Jun 22, 2005 23:56
hehe... kairos is in 3 days. then i have a horseshow, then i leave for west palm beach that day. then i come home for a bit.. then off to caroline's lake house!! :):) HEHE.
whenever i come home from kairos i feel over exposed to the real world.. now im gonna be gone for an extra week and a half. when i come back ill be in a daze.
i think im hanging out with cool people tomorrow.
i need to pack.
i hate sluts. not the ones that do stuff but the ones that dont know how to turn off the flirt o meter. ya know.. the ones that dated some guy last year and COMPLETELY doesnt like them but feels like charming them anyway. yea, the ones that tear best friends from you. EFFING SCREw THEM.
haha i hate those people. sorry if you are one. but i dont like you
p.s. copeland rocks.