Old Familiar Faces

Jun 16, 2009 00:24

Kishan and Will are back in town. Kishan is here for the week, and Will was here for the weekend. Joe and I ate lunch at Cracker Barrel with Kishan and Joe T., and a bunch of us (Jen, Joe, Kristen, Evan, and myself) went to the Boll Weevil with Will for supper. Will's taking off first thing in the AM, heading back to Oklahoma. At the end of the week, Kishan will be headed back to Chicago, where he has recently moved from Houston.

When Kishan moved to Houston, I got a bunch of my friends to recommend restaurants in his area. I was wondering if I might get the few folks I know in the Chicago area to send me some recommendations to pass on to him, but I'm not sure which part of town is graced with his residence.

friends, food

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