PCOS (re)diagnosis.

Dec 30, 2009 14:08

Let me take you back to 2002 when I was 14 years old. I had been having irregular periods since I was 11. I would go anywhere from one to six months between cycles. I went to the gyncologist for the first time (can you say NERVOUS?) and my doctor said, "You probably have PCOS." and left it at that. No explantation, nothing.

I went back when I was 17 with the same symptoms plus massive weight gain. I probably weighed close to 230 lbs. The same doctor then said, "Are you stupid or something? Are you trying to waste my time? I told you when you were in here when you were 14 that you have PCOS." I was dumbfounded and really upset that I just left and never went back. Well, not until yesterday.

I scheduled an appointment (after almost 5 years) for a pap test (knowing that you should get one annually once you turn 18 or become sexually active [both of which happened at the same time, so yeah]) and I made sure that I got a different doctor. I went with my mom's doctor.

Dr. Trippel is so wonderful. She's very nice and understanding. She made sure that all my questions were answered and that I understood everything. She was with me in there for almost an hour. She scheduled lots of tests (glucose test, insulin test, STD test [I'm not worried about having one but know it's good to get tested, especially if you've been with more than one person and I've been with three in the last 3 years] and a few other blood tests.)

She also showed concern with my blood pressure. High blood pressure runs in my family and I've had a history with it. My BP was 182 over something (I'm bad! I can't remember) and then before I left her office it was 162 over something. So she wants me to come back Monday, January 4th to have my BP checked again. If it's still high we're going to get me on some BP meds to help that. She's hoping that getting my BP normal will rid me of my horrible headaches.

I had an ultra sound today to check on my ovaries and see how they were doing. The tech had a really hard time finding my left ovary with the internal ultrasound so she did an abnominal ultrasound and found it. She said it was just pretty far away. She said that isn't bad, just makes it harder to find it.

I don't know when I'll know the results to my pap/blood work/ultrasound. But as soon as I do I'll update.

Thanks so much for listening to me blab and such. :)
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