Excerpt of the Day: Supernatural S07E13 (The Slice Girls)

Feb 05, 2012 16:12

I understand how networks and producers need these repeatable (stand-alone) Monster-of-the-Week episodes for mid-season reruns, but I just find them boring. And also annoying, when I have to wait weeks for a fresh episode that turns out to be a run-of-the-mill MotW.

I think this is why it's easier to love a series when you do season-marathons of them, instead of watching in weekly installments. Take Supernatural, for instance. I've been watching the TV episodes on and off for a long time, but I've never really gotten HOOKED with the series until I caught 2 weekends of 10-episode marathon specials at AXN Beyond (seasons 4-5, who could resist?!). I then marathon-watched the entire series on my own, from the beginning, and didn't mind the MotWs. But when I finally caught up on episodes, and started having to wait for the next one like everyone else, I've begun to feel antsy over eps where very minor mythos-building happens.

Like this week's Supernatural, The Slice Girls. Two weeks of hiatus, and then a stupid MotW. Ugh. Not even shirtless!Dean could get me interested. Just bring back Castiel already, why don't you?!!!


Excerpt of the Day:


Dean: Sam?
Sam: Yeah?
Dean: These papers just moved.
Sam: What?
Dean: I didn't touch them.

Sam: (fetches the EMF ghost detector) It's all over the place. Red-line. Red-line. Oh. And power lines by the open window, where there's a breeze that can move papers.
Dean: Did you feel a breeze?
Sam: Doesn't matter, Dean. The readings are useless.

Dean: Hey, maybe uh... (shakes Bobby's old flask)
Sam: We burned him Dean.
Dean: So what?
Sam: So what are you suggesting?
Dean: I don't know. What are you?
Sam: Concentrate on something else.
Dean: Why?
Sam: Because it's not Bobby!
Dean: Could be.
Sam: No it couldn't be!
Dean: Why not?
Sam: Because we want it to be!

Sam: (picks up the paper on top of the pile)
Dean: Maybe it's useful.
Sam: It's in a pile of Maybe It's Useful. Besides, it's in Greek. Nobody reads Greek.
Dean: Except Greeks. Oh, and Bobby.


Another Bobby tidbit revealed: the boys cremated him. Therefore he is truly and unequivocally dead. Not that his dying was never mentioned before, but this is the first we heard of what happened to his remains.

Also, I am still not convinced about the ghost-Bobby thing. It smells like a red herring to me.


Note to network/producers: Unless your goal is to lose more SPN viewers, please do not show bad Monster-of-the-Week episodes after hiatuses! We don't get ourselves all worked up just to watch that crap.

Excerpt of the Day Project

supernatural, tv series, excerpt of the day

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