Today's excerpt is from the fresh Supernatural episode that came out last Friday, but I only saw today.
So. The Winchester brothers are back, after the holiday hiatus and the Bobby cliffhanger. It's three weeks after where they left off. Nothing is explicitly shown of what happened to Bobby between the hospital scene and the "One week later."
This excerpt is actually not so much a spoiler, and not even of big consequence to this particular episode. I have the scene stuck in my mind though, because it's pretty baffling. (Plus, most of the rest of the episode is just your normal Monster of the Week thing.)
Presenting the Excerpt of the Day:
Dean: Man, thanks for drinking my entire beer.
Sam: I didn't touch your beer. Mine's right there. (Shows Dean his bottle.) You probably drank it without noticing.
Dean: (Stares at his empty bottle.) Right.
But wait! Not 30 seconds previously, when Dean picks up his beer, it's almost full:
In that short span between Dean picking it up and him finding it empty, he's never shown drinking, and the camera only leaves him for a few seconds at a time.
At this point, I should mention that there are two other instances I found a bit puzzling on the ep: Dean having slept in a sitting position for 36 hours straight, and Frank not noticing that 3 weeks have passed since he got in touch with Dean.
So I don't know. My first thought is that the boys are hallucinating the whole bit. Or at least, one is hallucinating parts of it. Sam does have that unreliable POV precedent with Lucifer (which, coincidentally, is shown in the recap). This could maybe mean that Bobby isn't really dead? One can hope. Although what shoots this theory down is that all the weird stuff happens in relation to Dean's perspective, but not Sam's.
Some people seem to think that maybe Bobby's ghost drank it (or maybe made it disappear to stop Dean from drinking too much). Makes sense, seeing that we never found out whether Bobby let himself be reaped or not. Him drinking the beer, though, is kind of silly, isn't it? Not out of character, but silly all the same.
Oh well, I guess we'll just have to stay tuned to find out. The more important question to ask though is this: Why is there still no Cas??!!
Excerpt of the Day Project