Excerpt of the Day: Supernatural S06E19 (Mommy Dearest)

Jan 05, 2012 18:37

(Spoilers aplenty.)

I'm not as fond of Supernatural season 6 compared to 4 and 5, but this is one of my favorite episodes. Mostly because of Castiel and Dean's funny dialogue (I would like to say banter, but Cas is just too clueless for deliberate witty repartee XD). Here are a few, taken from just the first 15 or so minutes of the ep:

Bobby: I'm thinking maybe it's about time you made a call.
Dean: Why's it always gotta be me who makes the call, huh? It's not like Cas lives in my ass. Dude's busy.
(Turns, sees Castiel has materialized behind him.)
Dean: Cas, get out of my ass!
Castiel: I was never in your...


Castiel: I'll search the town. Give me a moment.
(After a few seconds...)
Dean: Cas, we can still see you.
Castiel: Yeah, I'm still here.
Dean: Look, you don't have to wait on us.
Castiel: (Clears throat, concentrates.)
Dean: Now it just looks like you're pooping.
Castiel: Something's wrong.
Dean: What, you're stuck?!
Castiel: I'm blocked... I'm powerless.
Dean: You're joking.
Castiel: Something in this town is, uh, is affecting me. I assume it's Eve.
Dean: Wait, what, Mom is making you limp?
Castiel: Figuratively, yes.
Dean: How?
Castiel: I don't know, but she is.
Dean: Oh, that's great, 'cause without your power you're basically just a baby in a trench coat.
Castiel: (Frowns, shakes head, looks away.)
Sam: (stage whisper) Dude, you hurt his feelings.


Dean: Excuse me, hi! Is Dr. Silver in today? My friend here is very sick.
Castiel: I have a, uh, painful, burning sensation.
Doctor's assistant: Oh. Well, he's out. Sorry.
Dean: Would you happen to know where he is?
Doctor's assistant: He hasn't got in... (to Castiel) You might want to find yourself some ointment.


And then of course, there's the Jefferson Starships gag, which is not Destiel but still super-laughtrip:

Dean: What the hell? What has teeth and a spike?
Bobby: Never seen that in my life!
Dean: What, so Eve's making hybrids now?
Bobby: Looks like.
Dean: Question is why... what does she want with the... what do you call this?
Bobby: Well congrats, you discovered it, you get to name it.
Dean: (Thinks.) Jefferson Starships.
Dean: Because... they're horrible and hard to kill.


Next EOTD is Sherlock S02E01: A Scandal in Belgravia. If I remember to get caps instead of just squeeing on the third rewatch.

Excerpt of the Day Project

supernatural, tv series, excerpt of the day

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