You Are 57% American
Most times you are proud to be an American.
Though sometimes the good ole US of A makes you cringe
Still, you know there's no place better suited to be your home.
You love your freedom and no one's going to take it away from you!
How American Are You? Girl Name: Czarina Batty
Guy Name:Father Vlad
*You have a heart
of solid coal*
You wish that you could
change your ways, even though you have done
nearly everything right. You try to hard to be
accepted by others.
What Is Your Goth Name? brought to you by
Quizilla You are followed by the worst Demon of all, the
Demon of Apathetic. This Demon has taken away
everything interesting in life and now you're
bored. People sometimes don't want to be around
because... you just don't care. The best way to
get rid of this Demon is to find something that
really interests you and that you have a
passion for.
What Demon Follows you? ..:Interesting Pics:.. brought to you by