
Sep 03, 2003 15:50

School What the fuck can ya do, huh?
I hate being in Highschool so much. Almost all of my friends are in college, or have been. I admire them so much. I dont care how much more work it is. It will be learning what I want to be doing for a living. Not to mention the freedom of choice and un-regimented paths to walk. I know when Ive gone to Fredonia it wasnt real college life. But it wasnt, "both feet in the thresh-hold of the door when the bell rings or detention", it wasnt "assigned seats, no hats, gum or talking." Theres nothing I hate more than assimilation, forced-belief, and repetition. that sums up my school a whole bunch! I think we got like between 30 and 50 juniors and seniors from Kensington also, that just boosted our reputation a few points. Ignorance is a disease, thankfully some are immune.

Classical lesson later. Im nervous, hopefully Im a little ahead of what this guy is expecting so he goes easy on me. I GET TO SEE AMY AFTERWARDS!! unexpected ,and completly welcome and wanted. now im happy.
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