[OLD] Super Programs, Ultimate Programs, Networks, and Backstory

Aug 31, 2008 13:54

The Super Programs

Life Aura: Not the battlechip, rather a stronger version. Regenerative aura that blocks all but the strongest attacks. Only usable by the Light Ultimate Navi. Lost.

Dark Aura: Not the battlechip, rather a stronger version. Regenerative aura that blocks all but the strongest attacks. Only usable by the Dark Ultimate Navi. Lost.

Muramasa: Not the battlechip, rather a stronger version. Highly powerful sword that is able to cleave through auras. Strengthens against Light and Dark extremes and when the user takes damage. Only usable by the Balance Ultimate Navi. Under guardianship of Serenade.

Break Hammer: Not the battlechip, rather a stronger version. Able to break through even the strongest defence or barrier. Lost.

Alpha: The original internet. Highly volatile and highly dangerous. Supposedly uncontrollable by any Navi. Under guard in Sci-Lab area.

Get Ability: Gives the ability to steal programs from other Net Navis, viruses, and programs. Installed in Bass.

Delta Ray Edge: A powerful attack that pierces through most shields and auras and gains more power as it goes unused. Installed in ProtoMan.

Style Change: A program that gives a Navi increased power in specific abilities as they grow and change. Previously installed in MegaMan, now under guard in Yumland Treasury.

Synchronizer: A program that allows a Navi to merge with another Navi and have them gain the powers of viruses or beasts in the area. Provides extra memory. A modification/copy of Expansion Memory, which is not a Super Program.

Heal Magic: A program that grants the ability to heal large sections of the Net, to the point of even fully restoring a near-deleted Navi. Lost.

Giga Freeze: A program that uses immense power to freeze programs or Navis. Can only be controlled by Ultimate Navis. Under guard of Serenade.

Screen Divide: A program that has the ability to cause wide rifts in networks or slice lesser programs in half. In possession of the Netopian military. Was installed in Colonel, however, he was unable to control it and had to install a weaker version.

Giga Cannon: A program that was created for its high destructive power. Last Super Program to be created. Used to guard the Mother Computer of Electopia.

Shield Brace: A program that can generate wide shields that cover a large area. Also contains the ability to control the Synchronizer program and calm whatever it fuses with. Installed in Iris.

Fusion Virus: A program that fuses a Navi with a virus, allowing it to replicate smaller versions of itself as such. Under guard in Sci-Lab after being removed from Zero Virus.

Nebula Grey: A program that generates Dark Energy. Used for the creation of Dark Chips. Manifested into the entity known as Nebula Grey, though it was subdued. Floating in the Undernet.

Hikari Program: A program that is used to calm, control, and centralize the flow of data. Currently being used as the hub of Electopia's IT.

Wily Program: A program that is used to generate, regulate, and stimulate the flow or data. Currently floating in the WWW areas.

Dark License: A program that allows use of Dark Chips and Evil Chips without penalty or Dark Soul when installed. Lost.

Soul Cleanser: A program that cleanses a Navi of Dark and Evil energy and reverses the effects of it while installed. Lost.

All of these are taken from the anime or games variously, though some weren't named (notably Shield Brace and Fusion Virus.) A few potential super programs from the games were left out due to them not fitting in with the anime programs, most notably Expansion Memory from BN6--although to keep it in line with the games the Synchronizer program is a modification of this since there is no Trill.

The Ultimate Programs

The Ultimate Programs are programs on which the entire network system is balanced. If any of the three, which unlike the Super Programs are tied to the Navis they are installed into, were to be deleted, the network would crumble. As a result, the Navis possessing said programs are extremely difficult to delete and can even come back from deletion. The Navis holding Ultimate Programs all have Super Programs specifically intended for them. Unlike other Navis, who can only ever possess a single Super Program, Ultimate Navis can hold two without danger and if time calls, carry a third without installing it. Non-Ultimate Navis can guard multiple programs, but cannot use more than one, if they can use any at all.

Light Ultimate Program: Allows use of the Life Aura. Other associated super programs: Soul Cleanser, Style Change, Hikari Program. Unique among all three as not being installed into a Navi for an extended period of time. When the network became partially unstable it was decided to install the program into MegaMan.exe.

Dark Ultimate Program: Allows use of the Dark Aura. Other associated super programs: Dark License, Get Ability, Wily Program, Nebula Grey. First Ultimate Program to be created and spent long periods of time exposed to the Alpha Super Program. Originally installed into and still residing in the Navi Bass.exe.

Balance Ultimate Program: Allows use of the Muramasa. Other associated super programs: Delta Ray Edge. Second Ultimate Program created. Maintains balance between the other two, must not be deleted or corrupted. Corruption too far toward Dark or Light can create disastrous effects on the network that would not be immediately detectable. Has the highest potential to recover from either of these states due to this. Originally installed in Alpha, but shifted into its current host shortly after the Alpha Rebellion. Installed in ProtoMan.exe.

The Navis possessing these programs are extremely powerful and able to resist deletion far easier than normal Navis. That they are the ones who hold the programs is not common knowledge, and in fact only known to select individuals and two of the three Navis.

UPDATE: While ProtoMan has not told MegaMan directly that he holds an Ultimate Program he has told him all the pieces he needs to put it together himself, though playing off that these programs can be held by MegaMan due to him being human originally. It probably won't be long before he figures it out and all three Navis involved know their identities.

Network Operation

Networks are operated by various models of Normal Navi plugged into the server core as control. Custom Navis don't possess the memory to run networks, though they do have the ability to monitor and access network controls through the maintainer Navis.


This universe assumes the storyline and origins of the BN games, with four exceptions. Bass's origins are his manga origins. ProtoMan's origins are as detailed elsewhere here. Colonel and Iris were not deleted at the end of BN6. For clarification, the path through the last three games was Blue Moon --> Team ProtoMan --> Falzar.

ooc, info

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