
Oct 08, 2011 08:58

Player name: Kota
Journal: balancedlight
AIM: waningsunflower
Other characters: Nope

Character name: Svetlana Nazarova
Age: 25
Canon: Nochnoy Dozor (Night Watch)
Canon point: Before she goes up to the rooftop at the end of the book. I’m going to say she takes a little power nap to rest before that happens.

Totem: A small flashlight, the size of one that would go on a keychain. Normally, it will turn on white, but during a fissure, it will be blue.

Weapons: None

Abilities/powers: Sveta is a very powerful sorceress at home, but a lot of the powers aren’t directly stated. So I’m going to stick with what’s stated in canon that a low level Other can do and mute that down even more. When she arrives, she’ll keep minor telekinesis, only in a very limited range, temperature manipulation on objects that she is holding, and summoning harmful, but not fatal, yellow fire. If that’s too much, I can scale it back even more.

Location: The Maharajah, an Indian restaurant. It’s of the fancier sort- where walking in wearing jeans might normally be frowned on. It’s a very typical looking restaurant from the outside, with two rows of tables- one side for larger groups and the other side for smaller ones. Separating the dining room from the kitchen are wooden dividers, adorned with the same ornate decorations as the rest of the restaurant. Also included would be the street outside and the alley to the side, if someone is looking for a quick escape route.

Personality: Sveta has, above all, a very black and white view of right and wrong. Dark others are bad and they are not to be trusted. Light others are good and should always be trusted. She is slowly learning that there are shades of gray, people who are neither light nor dark, and people who do not deserve to be persecuted, but it is hard to break away from what she learned in her lessons. She wants to be stronger and fight back against the Dark Others, much like the Maverick did, but she also knows that she is still ignorant to the Truce and the rules that go along with it.

This ignorance is tied to her naivety about the way that the world works. Seeing the world as a child might, with very clear boundaries, means that she can seem very impulsive. She rushes headfirst into situations she doesn’t understand, especially when her friends are involved. There’s nothing that will keep her away from protecting the people she is close to.

That doesn’t mean she is violent. Oh no. She does not like to fight unless it’s absolutely necessary and she is always very careful not to break the Truce by attacking someone who is not, without a doubt, doing something illegal. Since she was once a doctor, she would prefer to save lives, rather than destroy them. But, because of who and what she is now, fighting and violence are a part of her life. Again, a lot of her inclination to fight comes from protecting her friends or people she’s loyal to. She has several conversations with Anton regarding morality, but it’s very clear that she tries to do what she considers the right thing, regardless of what her training says. She continuously questions what she’s learning, but mostly because she doesn’t understand why the Truce allows bad people to continue existing.

Sveta’s not a very social person most of the time, but when she’s around a small group she likes and trusts, she really opens up and becomes a very vibrant and vivacious person. She’s described as “an introverted, bookish child, with a mass of complexes and her head full of crazy ideals…” Because of that, she likes to stick more to her books and movies than she does to people. Books and movies give her the escape that she wants. People just disappoint her most of the time.

But she’s not just the happy, perky, slightly determined façade that she presents to the world. Sveta is actually very different than she wants people to think. She is genuine in her innocence, yes, but is also very shallow in her beliefs. Because she always wants the knight in shining armor to come and rescue her, she leaves very little room for anyone who doesn’t fit that role. Yes, she has girlfriends in her life, but they’re not as close as they could be to her. As said above, when she likes and trusts people, then she opens up. But it’s very difficult for her to do.

However, Sveta is nice to everyone. That’s just how she is. Even if she doesn’t like a person, she will put on her happy smile and fake her way through it. She can fake being nice, but that act drops when she is around someone else. She can be a bit two faced in that, but she does it almost unconsciously. She’s so used to pretending that it almost seems real to her. She doesn't do this to be malicious and she doesn't like to go around complaining about people. However, if she disagrees with someone, there are two ways she will go. In normal situations, she will simply smile and agree, just to maintain the pleasant atmosphere that so many people find comfortable. It doesn't mean that she really agrees. She just doesn't like to risk that emotional conflict that would come with it. With her friends, though, she will argue until her face turns blue. She doesn't mind creating conflict with her friends, because she trusts that they will always come back to her, even if they don't agree. She doesn't trust that with strangers, of course.

She’s also not as independent as she likes to present to other people. When she’s alone, she doesn’t feel empowered. Rather, she will sit around, reading books, until something happens. But that introversion, which was expressed in the book through Anton’s point of view as well as through her actions, doesn’t really mean that she likes to be alone. Quite the opposite. She craves the kind of attention that the cool, classy, well-spoken people like Olga get. However, she’s just not forward enough to get that. So she is content to sit back. She’s a people pleaser because of that. She puts other people in front of her constantly and really had no regard for her own life and safety. This shows her impulsivity in that she doesn’t really consider herself when she makes decisions. She will weigh the options in her mind, but she will leave herself and her feelings out of the equation.

But she does consider herself when it comes to being right. She is stubborn to a fault, believing herself to be the absolute voice of truth, even if she’s dead wrong. Of course, if she has no particular inclination to either side, she’ll sit back and listen and choose that way. It really just depends on the situation and the person involved.

She has almost been, in a way, very spoiled by the Night Watch. They wanted her to grow into her powers quicker than she really could manage on her own, so there were people who coddled her. Or who attempted to coddle her, rather. She did grow on her own, but she became very used to people telling her what to do and how to do it and when to do it. They devised tests just for her and used the people that she cared about in order to test her. This has given her a secret sense of entitlement, which she doesn't even realize that she has. Before the Watch, she was normal. But after she joined the Watch, their world revolved around her and, while she didn't understand it fully until the very end, she certainly noticed the effects of it.

History: Until her mother ended up in the hospital, Sveta was just a simple doctor in Moscow. She lived a relatively normal life, attending school and living with her parents and brother in a district within Moscow until Sveta moved away to work in a clinic. When her mother got sick, Sveta knew that she might be able to provide a proper donation to save her mother’s life, but she said nothing. She didn’t offer it. And, because of that, she cursed herself without even knowing it. She created a vortex that threatened to consume Moscow, to destroy it, all because she had placed a curse on herself. Everything she touched died, everything she tried to do, she failed. Anton Gorodetsky, an agent of Night Watch, came to her apartment and convinced her to remove the curse, convinced her that it was not her fault.

With the curse broken, Anton left to take care of something else, and Sveta was visited by the Boss . He told her about Night Watch, agents of the Light who keep a check on the Dark ones. These light and dark “others” police each other, keep each other in check. There are many types of Others, he explained to her. Witches, vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, and those like Sveta, who is a Sorceress.

Sveta’s training is not like normal training. Her training is forced to be faster than most, though the reason isn’t revealed until later. When Anton is framed for murder by the Day Watch, he turns into her friend Olga, a fellow sorceress, and hides with her until everything can be situated. However, the framing turns out to be a test mostly for Sveta, who needed to learn control. When she does, she jumps grades faster than almost anyone before her, but mostly because the Night Watch is staging things in order to advance her quicker.

The reason for this is revealed later, when she is given the Chalk of Fate and told that she must change the fate of a little boy. She doesn’t get to do that, though.

This is a very basic explanation of her history. For additional information, I’ve included the following links:
A wiki
Characters in her world

3rd person sample:

Water. Sand. Silence. Sveta’s initial awareness on her arrival could be summarized by those three words. In that order. The water on her lips tasted of salt and she found herself suppressing a gag from it. Pushing herself up, finding that she was at least still wearing her normal clothes, she tried to unsuccessfully brush them on her jeans. It only made her jeans dirty and her hands grimy, though she was thankful that she hadn’t been in the white dress when she…well, when whatever happened had happened. Fighting against the tide and her water heavy clothes, she made her way up to the beach, hoping to at least get a better vantage point from there.

Once she was properly on the beach, she faltered, staring at her surroundings. This wasn’t a vision. She wasn’t a seer. This was much too real. She reached down, hesitantly touching the water as it hit against her jeans. Deciding that she had somehow been transported here, she checked her pockets for the Chalk. Nothing. She didn’t expect to have it on her, of course, but if it was, that might answer a few questions. She did find her cigarettes, though, but they were, of course, ruined. She rolled her eyes a bit. “Perfect.”

At least she was alive and in one piece. There was no point in worrying about anything more than now. What she was doing here, how she had arrived and where she was supposed to go. All questions that seemingly had no answers, but she would press on anyway.

There was nowhere to go but forward. The water behind her went on for what seemed like forever and was unbroken by ships or anything else. There seemed to be civilization in front of her, a city that looked dead, so she shuffled along the beach, jumping a bit as one of the buildings nearby crumbled and fell into the sea. Wringing water out of her hair, she pulled it back tightly, leaving a trail in the sand behind her until she reached a road.

1st person sample:

[There are a lot of false starts here before she is actually able to produce words.] God, I hope no one at home can hear this. Or…maybe I do. I don’t know. Hm. I’ll just start over. [Unfortunately, she doesn’t yet know how to do that, so she takes a deep breath and then just hopes for the best.]

I…don’t know why I’m here. I don’t really think I’m supposed to, though. I don’t have anything here that helps. In fact, what’s here is just more confusing. I get here wet, cold, and confused but there’s nothing here that- [A sudden realization dawns on her, which accounts for the muttered Russian.]

I haven’t been…abandoned here, have I? My Watch won’t leave me here.


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