Aug 20, 2007 20:29
So it's been a pretty intense week.
The Communication Corporation music video I spent months working on went up. Hazzah. I'm particularly proud of it because it was the first project where I'm listed as a director. I think it came out really good and has been really reaffirming to me being a filmmaker.
I also went on my semiannual eBay binge this week. I bought an 8mm Bell and Howell camera, which will get me awesome footage, a sportscoat, and some flannel coats.
I also bought a woodcarving knife for whiddling(?)
I also finally saw a doctor about my dizzy spells. My doctors an asshole and I hate going to her. She thinks I either have Vertigo or the onset signs of Diabetes. Well we wait for my bloodwork, I'm on vertigo medicine. That shit fucks you up. It makes you drowzy, blurs your vision, and you guessed it, makes you dizzy. Basically it does nothing, but you pay about $1.00 a pill for it and take it every 6 hours.
I guess if people ask what i'm taking, I can tell them it's to keep my multiple personality syndrome at bay. Atleast to keep Johnny at bay, he's a serial killer.
Also, man. If one more person tells me they miss the way purchase used to be, i'm going to kick them in the kidney til they piss blood. Bam.