So, we have arrived in Michigan!
Packing was done a little bit ahead of time, but of course we didn't get a large chunk of it done til the last minute. Then the packing of the truck...Thank goodness my uncle Brian was there - he performed the 3-D tetris required to get everything in just right.
Ian's dad flew out to help, so he drove my car, Ian drove his car, and my mom and I drove the truck. I did most of the driving while she kept me company, but she drove for a few stints. Driving the truck wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but I still was glad for company, especially since Budget only has am/fm radio. We didn't use it; we talked the whole time and played the dead deer game (20 dead, 5 live, 2 ceramic). The driving was fairly uneventful.
When we arrived, we spent the night at Ian's parents, then drove up to sign the lease and unpack. We had lots of mom, Ian's parents, his uncle and grandpa and sister and brother-in-law. Even little Chloe helped (she's 2). The place is bigger than our apartment, and feels much more open and less cramped. At first it seems like there's less space to put things, particularly the small kitchen (with no dishwasher!) but really there are lots of storage places. The coat closet by the front door is pretty large..there is a random shelving nook with a cabinet next to the kitchen, the kitchen pantry is pretty large, there is a large linen closet outside of the bathroom, and the bedroom has a walk-in closet. So we have lots of places to put things, we just have to decide what goes where. I guess there will be pictures once we have everything packed.
The management is is a guy and his wife, who live across the hall from us. Our only big problem is that the fridge doesn't work. The light comes on and the fan goes, but it doesn't blow cool air, just room temperature. The manager said we could probably have an emergency one by today, but it would be a used one they just have hanging around..or we could stick it out for a few more days and he can get us a new one. New one, please! The management company was paying the electricity while the apartment was empty, we just have to take it over. We haven't yet, so I think some electricity in return for no fridge is decent. Fortunately we moved far enough that we didn't bring any perishables because they wouldn't really survive even in a cooler.
raencloud did a fabulous job of cleaning out our fridge before leaving, and did a bit of shopping in it before tossing everything. So now we have to get food out, or get stuff that makes one serving. Meijer is about a half a block away and always open, so we can even go buy a frozen thing and just make it right away.
So, now that we've moved we just have to sell our condo! The closing is scheduled for the 6th, this Friday, so that's really the last bit of anxiety left over.