Last time I was compared to a character in FF8, I was told I was a Selphie in a nutshell. O_o
Or a ubber sweet Raijin.. if that's possible.. *blink blink*
What says you guys?
Edit 2: ....Forgot the pictures of meh!! x__x
Name: (real name if possible) Carol
Nicknames: Chibi, Yuki, Hijiri, Hii-chan
Age: 16
Gender: female, obvoiusly. Unless you're a drag queen that likes the name Carol. hehehe.
Likes: puppies, wolves, canines, orange soda, candy, sugar, music, drawing, dancing, DDR, rainbows, yaoi, mangas, reading, singing, chorus, having a wee bit of alone time when I want it, randomness, open minded people, fire, and swimming. and petting and cuddling puppies! <3 *squee*
Dislikes: animal abusers, clingy girls, cats, homophobes, egotistical people, seeing stray animals (it makes me wanna take them home with me very much. :(..), emos, people always in a bad mood, attention whores, preps, bugs, bees/wasps/hornets (stingers... *shivers* T__T), pink, perverted men.
Hobbies: chorus/singing, cooking, drawing, swimming, archery, handling/looking after animals, martial arts.
Talents: singing/chorus, archery, drawing, cooking, swimming, looking after/handling animals.
Strong Points: I'm dedicated, even till death, when it comes to my loved ones, and what I believe in. I'm protective of my loved ones, almost like a knight.
I am persistant and determined to live by my belifs and am hard to convince otherwise. I'm polite, approachable, sometimes unprediactable, can handle myself just fine. I can't stand people talking of me behind my back like I don't hear them, even though I don't give a rat's ass on what they think about me. So I'd dare them come and say their opinions to my face. heh heh. *smirk* XD
Weak Points: Hm... never really thought of that. Except when it comes to my friends, I'd do anything for them. Sometimes, it winds me up getting "used", as people would call it. I tend to break some "rules" or go head on with authority figures because of me being a bit stubborn, can also break "rules" if it goes against my beliefs. Sometimes can be a one hell of a procrastinator, too quiet, too meek, modest, and can be quite shy. I tend to say hurtful things to people when, sometimes, I don't really mean it. (common problem for me between my peers and I.) And I'll admit I'm a little of a perfectionist.
Favorite Color: Red.
Number One Goal: Just doing what in my life, in my view, that's successful. It's all I ask for.
Maybe even seeing my friends having successful lives if I can't have that.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I guess in between.. If realists are pessimists, then I suppose I am that. But other than that, I'm pretty optomistic. I'm the "happy" or "calm" one in my group of friends.
It's just that I find that you get nowhere in life with a sad view in life. It's so much easier to take on life with a smile and your head held up high, you know? :)
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: I'm not too sure.. But with people I don;t know, I'm fairly normal or calm. But with people I know, I'm a wee bit on the hyper side. hehehe.
Impulsive or Cautious: I tend to "leap before I look" at times. So I guess impulsive.. ^_^;;
Outgoing or Shy: Pretty shy when you get down to it. I'm only "ubber cute", as my friends would call it, when with my very few selected friends.
Mature or Immature?: Well, I like to cause a little prank making here and there. ..well, a lot. SO I guess I'm immature. *shrug* ^^;
Leader or Follower?: Well, I don't really like to lead. But I'll be a leader if I have to.
Other than that, I'm a follower.
Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? I'm REALLY tied bewteen Seifer and Squall. It's cool that Seifer doesn't take crap from others most of the time. ..Or so it looks like by his facade.
A little but like Squall, only by THIS much, I can be misunderstood most of the times. I'm always willing to put myself on the line for my loved ones. Even though I may get second thoughts and wonder if my actions are worth it or not, I'll still stick with it and hope these friends will see that I could do so much for them.
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? RinHOa.. er.. excuse me.. Rinoa Heartily. I really don't think she's best heroine. In my view, she's a niusance and I wish she could get run over by Ragnarok or something already.
I'll leave it at that so I won't start some dumb flame war just because I pissed off some Rinoa fans. *rolls eyes* Sorry, I'm just a bitch that way.
Besides... I say Squally should get it on with Seifer insread. Hmph. X3
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? I would use it to help me in being sucessful in life. Not to indulge myself like I know most people would.
If I find someone who needs it more than I do, then I'll give the whole thing to them and do anything in my powr to help them, wether they like it or not.
Seeing a person miserable is not something I'm comfortable with.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? 1) Someone able to put up with me and my attitude that no one can really seem to stand.
2) Just someone patient.
3) Someone who DOESN'T whine all the time like some emo-brat. I'll leave it at that.
What is your fighting style?
I'm comfortable with either handling guns, blades, daggers, or just my fists and feet themselves.
...actually.. I might go for an Axe, if anything. Axes > blades AND guns, bitch. X3
Pictures (optional):
(me before haircut and dyed my hair.)
Anything else?:
I know I mst've pissed some off with that Rinoa-bit. I think I'll prepare for a flame war coming. Ah well. *shrug* Your own fault for wanting to waste your breath with me over a FICTIONAL CHARACTER.
And in other words:
....I like sugar? I like sugar? I like sugar? O__O