Mar 08, 2005 18:18
Ok, for those of you who might visit my actual journal page and read my entries, you'll noticed that all of them are missing. Those of you that read it using your friends link shouldn't notice a difference.
The difference is that people who are on my friends list are now the only people that can read my journal entries. I have been meaning to do this for a long time, and I have figured now would be a good time.
I have been writing these journal entries to myself, not to everyone else (despite what some people think). These entries are a reflection of my own, inner thoughts and I thought it would be interesting if my close friends were able to read what I was thinking and keep-up with what is going on in my life. Unfortunately, some people have taken this idea out of perspective and have misinterpreted the idea of my LiveJournal. This is the reason I have changed the priviledges on all of my journal entries.
I apologize to those people who read my journal and have understood the reason for me having it. All I can ask is that they create an account with LiveJournal and request that they be put on my friends list.
It may seem like this is in retribution to the recent issues my LiveJournal has been causing, but I promise that I have been planning this long before anything like that.