Oranges & Mint

Jul 31, 2008 18:20

LA has been treating me well.
I got back Sunday. Drove back with Claudio, Brian, and Jake. Got back home around 9pm and met up with Brian and Jake for dinner at Mr. Noodle in WW. I've been trying to work out in some form or another ever since I've been back. I miss the UCSC gym soooooo badly, I definitely took all those times I could have gone for granted. And I find it funny that I went more often when I lived off campus as opposed to living on campus. Quite ridiculous. Well I've basically been going out to dinner in WW or Ventura every night since I've been back, chilling with Claudio and Jake everyday, just hanging out and enjoying our free time. Shark Week this week has been intense, its even better watching it with Claudio just because we always point out ridiculous stuff in the background or something we can laugh at. I've just been trying to be out of the house as much as possible. On another note I miss the Science Illustration classes like crazy. I was scared when they were over because then I wouldn't have anyone to draw for, no one to try to impress, no deadlines, no one to push me. Another reason I don't like LA (or at least home/being around home): nothing to push me or influence me to go that extra mile or do something I wouldn't ordinarily do. Yeah, it sucks. I volunteered at my dad's lab again today, did stuff with the Rhesus data again, then moved on up to analyze the rat data (with black lights in the background ooooh). So I was in this small lab room, by myself, with 4 monitors and 2 modems, my iPod, hundreds of electronic and scientific instruments to finding the ins and outs of any spinal cord or physiological puzzle dealing with rats. Just me sitting there, listening to "New Slang" and I just got lost in the moment again. THAT moment, the one thats caused me so much stress and anxiety and happiness. I'm always telling myself that I'm over it or that I've moved on and then moments later I find myself rethinking about it again, about this person, about how we could have been happy. Nope.

I bought this book at Borders today, Evolution's Rainbow. Bernardi recommended it all to us at the end of 20C during Winter quarter. My dad and I went to go pick it up after we dropped of Pablo, his longtime friend, and a neurophysiologist centered in Mexico City. I was speechless when dad told me he used to be the chair for the Science Advisory Committee for the President in Mexico about 10 years ago. Not only could I think of how amazing an accomplishment that was but also about how for me, 10 years ago, I was just a kid. Thinking about absolutely nothing except stuff that astonished me. No responsibilities, no drama, no money real life issues to be dealt with. Just me, my friends, and our ridiculous imaginations that would provide endless entertainment. I even remember Billy and I laughing about how stupid adults are: they worry about every single little thing in life, even the little things that don't matter or have anything to do with your happiness or bare survival. I remembered that thought when I was sitting in the lab and realized I was stressing over countless things I had to do today, this weekend, next week, and a couple weekends from now. Then I was like oh yeah, I'm 20, I'm an adult, so here I am worrying about useless shit that doesn't need to be analyzed right here and now. Ironic.

The last days up in SC this past weekend were awesome. I was soooo happy to show Brian, Claudio, and Jake the redwood forest, aka my backyard up on campus. We all partied Friday night too. The three of them got in earlier than expected, so Kevin and I rushed back from Tammie's place as soon as they called. Kevin and I were chilling at the beach, laughing at the Homo oceanus species wading thru the water and wishing to grow fins once again to return to its bounty. Plus we had waterbottles full of rum and coke so that could have helped. Theeen we turned around and Blue Oyster Cult started playing on the beach. Kevin and I agreed that since there were 100s upon 100s of tourists there, that in and of itself sufficed as an adventure, trying to maneuver around the boardwalk with all these fat tourists anywhere and everywhere. But seeing Blue Oyster Cult, hearing the cowbells, haha pretty epic. And the concert was free too! Such a chill night. Right, so after visiting Tammie, we rushed back to the house and everyone was already there! Brian, Claudio, Jake and I went to eat at Taqueria Vallarta. Sooooo good. Later that night was party at mah house woohoo!

So the next day we took our adventure through the forest. But beforehand we all got coffee at Lulu Carpenter's! We bought our tickets for the Dark Knight right before and saw it at 630. In all it was Kevin, Monica, Tricia, Tracy, Shusuke, Jenny, me, Jake, Claudio, and Brian. I loved seeing my LA friends and SC friends all together too, enjoying each others company :). After the movie Tricia and Tracy left with Kevin and Monica so the rest of us went to eat at Taqueria Vallarta again haha. Rowe and her friend Katherine met up with us and chilled for 20 min or so. Sunday we all left SC around 1pm. Thanks to waking up late and packing last minute. All three of them were amazed at how epic the 101 was compared to the highways they took on their way up haha.

Well thats about it. Mom told me this morning Aunt Bertie had to put Max down :(. I'm gonna miss that little dog, basically the entire family's dog. It's gonna be weird not having the disposer of all crumbs and leftovers around at all the family parties anymore :(. Hope this weekend is epic, there are many reasons why it should be so. I'm crossing my fingers this time around.
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