My other two classes

Sep 02, 2007 16:15

Well, I already knew I would love Psyche, cause Merriwether is awesome, and my friend is a TA, and there's like, 5 friends I have in there. XD

My other class I hate. It's HDEV 200, and it's pretty much HDEV 300, at Wednesday from 5:50-8:50, in a building NOT ON CAMPUS and I have to bus to get there.

BLARGH STOP BEING ANNOYING. But what can I do? I'll deal.

I played Apples to Apples on Friday night. Cause I'ma Jew. XD IT got pretty weird and funny. I'll see if I can remember some of the quotes.

Elayna: *naming people trying to see that she knows everyone's names* And Josh, and Josh, and Shari, and . . . Shari. Wow.
Elliot: *opens the door* Are Shira and Jackie here?
Talia: No, they left.
Elliot: DAMN IT! *leaves and slams door.
Yael: . . . So yeah. Apples to Apples.
*all ready to finally play the game after ages of talking*
Josh: Here, I'll move onto the couch, you can sit on the chair. In fact, I'll be Shari, so I can sit on the Shari couch.
Shari: . . . Alright then.
Me: :D Dude, I'm totally calling you Shari long after you've forgotten tonight.
Me: *reading off possible answers to 'Exciting' I think* Hm, the Little Mermaid, not so much. Hm, no. Incense, n-
Elayna: Incest?
Me: No, Incense, Incense. XD
Elayna: Oh. I thought you said incest. *laughter*
Me: Yeah, I gathered. *pause* Though, if it did, that'd TOTALLY be the winner.
Yael: You have to read the descriptions on these this time.
Talia: Okay, fine. *looking through to see which description she could want to read* What is Wine Tasting doing here- HAHAHA! THE DESCRIPTION SAYS 'Spit or Swallow?'!
Elayna: *hysterically laughing* YESSSS!
Benji: ...Okay, maybe. This one, not bad, but not quite, I- . . . Wait, what? Large mouth bass?
Mike: *working in a team with two others, in a playfully condescending voice* Miiicheaaaal . . .
Josh: o.O Did you just say your own name?
Me: I believe he did, yes.
Mike: u.u What?
Me: *picking again, something about worldwide, or lasting forever*
Mike: I think you know which one'll be from me. *wink*
Me: Oh dear. Hm, let's see. Taxes, cockroaches, Red- RED RASPBERRIES? XD
Mike (And a few others): Miiicheaaal.
Benji: What the heck? Okay, none of these make sense. Please explain yourselves everyone.
Me: *raising her hand in the air* Ooh! Ooh! I put Michelle Pfeiffer because she was a throw-away card! ^^
Benji: *throws it away* . . . Pablo Picasso; Josh.
Josh: Throwaway!
Mike: Well, I don't think that 'Female Soccer' should win anything.
Benji: Fine, I don't care, I'm picking something. Female Soccer.
Mike: YES! Reverse Psychology.
Talia: *going over answers* Pigs, high school, Earthquakes-
Me: Throwaway~!
Shari: Dude, you gotta stop that.
Me: ^^
Josh: Okay, this is the last round; so you can give me two cards for this one if you like. The word is comical.
Benji: You know, once I won some humor round with the Challenger Explosion.
Talia: How the hell did you win with that?
Benji: I don't know, haha.
Joah: *has all the cards* Spit; no, falling; no, Challenger explosion?! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THIS TWICE?! Fine, maybe. *goes on a while* Steven King? No, that's too much.
Me: The Challenger you put in a maybe, but not Steven King because HE'S too much?

I don't remember the correct cards, but still. It was funny.
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