Oct 09, 2008 15:56
Ugh, what a day.
Well todat is my Dad's birthday and because of that I ended up being late to form BUT got there and turns out my form tutor didn't even show up. So then I went to the VIS and randomly looked at my e-mail and stuff, then I still had time so checked my LJ and read the new posts... kind of had them bugging me all day so hopefully I can do something about that later once people are on.
I had a seriously unjealthy day and me and Liz just bought junk food to munch on during our free period and dinner break. We sat in the VIS the entire time and drew, and I actually managed to draw and finish a decent picture for once. I drew a nice pic of Ryou walking carrying shopping bags ^^ WITH A LEAK! xD;; I had wanted to do a nice compilation pic but I didn't have time. Heck just drawing the one took me 2 hours.
My lessons were okay, art was a drag but I brought my work home in hope of getting some done over the weekend. Not likely as my weekend is fully booked but I can try. Tomorrow I have a lye in then 3 lessons, so not too bad as well as having Helena's birthday meal to go to. I can imagine it to be a drag but I haven't gotten out in a while. I won't bother going through what it is that's taking up my entire weekend as I already posted it like 3 times ^^;;
So now Imma go try colour in my new pics and post them. I want to try make a mini movie on Flash now, like today I saw a guy in my IT class had made a series called "The Adventures Of Gay Steve!" xD I love the title and it's really random >>;; basically the one I saw was something like a stick man fishing, then another one swam over and got caught and then steve slammed him into a cliff and made a bloody mess >>;; It was like an episode of Elfen Lied, only more stupid.
I've been feeling fairly violent lately. Every so often I get really bad thoughts but I'm trying to control it ^^ I think I'm just not getting out enough.
Also I forgot about how I have a load of trips either coming up or to be planned for Art. I can't wait, the first one will be live drawing where I basically have to spend a day looking at naked people and drawing them >>;; Never done it before but to be honest it doesn't bother me, I like drawing the human body and what better way to show it than naked? ^^ Then at some point before Christmas we're supposed to be going to London again which I hope will be as fun as the last time =3 And the big one, we're planning to go abroad somewhere xD The choices are Flaurence in Italy or Basalona in Spain. Our class voted for Flaurence with only one person wanting Basalona and two people not caring, to be honest i don't mind but Italy would be more my sort of place, Though the year 12s get a vote too and we hope they don't decie Barsalona. I just think it will be a fun trip, they'd said we could be going to Paris but I guess they changed their minds.