
Aug 22, 2008 17:31

 Yay! Zohan was awesome xD It was cheesy like any Adam Sandler movie but was just as funny as any other.
Ugh, I have to stop typing a sec I feel a bit sick ^^;;
There, much better ^^ I think it was a bad idea for me to have an unhealthy day. Seriously all I've eaten today is sugary stuff. For "breakfast" I had an Oreo milkshake and half a triple chocolate and marshmallow cookie.... >> The last time I did that it didn't end well, but I seemed to be able to keep it down this time round ^^;;;; Then before we went to see Zohan we went and got a drink and pic'n'mix. I also bought one other sugary thing before I left for home but I'm yet to even get it out =3

My mum won't be too happy, I was supposed to get some new trousers and instead bought the Furabu Fan Book of the Cat... Should have gone for the trousers. They were really nice, I liked the checkered black and grey ones I found the best and they were skinny too... and actually looked good on me! Seriously they never used to suit me. So I need to get my ass in gear and earn some money to buy them. I also found a smart jumper that I really liked ^^ Okay I don't like talking about clothes makes me sound so girly >__<

I'm kind of drained but I should be fine later... going to play more Halo 3 aswell xD So if you see me online on my old account AND the name says "Claire [x[I've got a jet black heart...]x]" Then I can't talk ^^;;

Ah I want Yuugi to come on >_< -whines- I dunno, I just really want to talk to her right now. No particular reason =3 Just that I kept thinking about her while I was out and now I wanna talk to her T__T Guess I have to wait. Afterall I think today she actually has a full day of school as well as having work, so I'm not sure when I'll get to see her. 
Oh yeah, and Jade did have a laugh at the police report thing =3 we both thought it was pretty damn funny. I mean, come on. I'm in a totally different country AND reading her LJ when I'm on her friends isn't stalking ^^ It would only go to court if I was constantly hunting her down and if she was having to change her e-mail and phone number and move home and do all that more than once. Unfortunately for you I'm not that pathetic ^^ And like Yuugi's said before, if anything you're the one who was harrasing us. So... yeah.. LOL xD

PS I just remembered =3 Jade said she's gonna get me a knife for my birthday xD She has loads, well had loads until their house got burgled but she said I could go pick one out and she'd get it me =D Even since I saw her samurai swords and such I've always wanted one... maybe I'll get a hunting knife.
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