I'm not quite as paranoid now that I spoke to Yuugi. The fact she didn't get on till after 6 (midnight her time) I was worried that something may have happened, but I'm just relieved she got on. Though now I can't help feel something's up, I dunno maybe it is nothing but I'm sure something was up before she left.
I hope I'llg et to talk to her more these next 2 days as she said she has no work. I might stock up on energy drinks when I go out today. Then again I'm starting to think I should cut back on the sugar and caffeine. I was talking to Ryou about this last night and ever since someone said i could make myself diabetic I've been paranoid that I might be. And now t make things worse I've lost the feeling in part of my toe. "So what, it's a toe" I hear you say. Well think about it, biabetic people can lose the use of their feet and other extremities... what if I'm starting to lose the feeling in my foot!? Ugh but no, not panicing because I know it will turn out to be nothing.
I asked my mum a sec ago if it was something I should be worried about, she said yes but said if it's still like this next week we'll get it checked out, I may have just trapped a nerve while I was doing stuff last week. Then she said if it changes colour to tell her right away >>;; I'm assuming she meant if it changes colour that means its dead. Ew! I'd have to have my toe cut off! -cringes- How sick would that be?
Anyways I've been trying to talk to Ryou more lately. It's quite nice that I can finally talk to her without losing it. I always did find RPing and talking about anime with her fun ^^ We went mental when I found Sennen Items on ebay, with the ring, puzzle and scale all to scale. The rest were kind of sucky. The rod was flat, so was the eye and it wasn't even the right size, the necklace was way too big and the key just looked all wrong.... here I'll paste the link so you can go nuts over it too =3
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Yugioh-Millenium-Puzzle-Ring-Scale-Rod-Key-Necklace-Eye_W0QQitemZ360019112823QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item360019112823&_trkparms=72%3A1090%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&timeout=1218755737664But yeah, I want to start talking and RPing with people again. Ever since all this crap went on it's been way to real and I think we all need a break from the drama. If some people would just damn let go >>;;
I'm trying to push on, life goes on, c'est la vie and all that jazz.
OOh randomness. I may be getting an Ipod Touch for my birthday >> if I can convince my dad but I may have to pay some too. Though I dunno... Ipod videos are cheaper and hold more buuuut~ touches have a bigger screen and internet WiFi. So it's a battle betweem quality and quantity. Thing is heres the difference that's swaying my decition. Ipod video: 80GB, touch:8GB ... And there's no way in hell I'll be allowed one of the touches with more memory, way to costly! So unless I like.... got my butt into gear and worked like hell and saved my money from now until then... I might be able to but I know that won't happen. I'll end up spending it on manga and gig tickets.