Mar 12, 2007 22:02
Subject: Life.
Hi. I am beat. Beat beat beat. This job is so fucking taxing, babe. I mean, school and then work and just... nothing to come home to. I'm planning something pretty big. I'll send a picture when it's done, if I can get one at the moment it happens. It might be tricky, I don't know.
I miss you, Gytha. I've gotten paired up with Violet again in Sociology, and it's killing my brain; I can't get past it. This project is going to leave me braindead. I may just drink myself stupid and go do the project that way, just to piss her off. I'll probably be just functional enough to get us a passing grade, anyway; the class is fucking easy.
Everything still okay over there since the last time we emailed? School? Your dad? I know I'm being pushy I'm just desperate to know you're all right.
I can barely type, I don't know what to say. I need to go anyway, I have to work on this paper and go to bed or I'll be too tired after class tomorrow for work.
I love you, Agatha.
Mikhail Bakunin.