Don't even fucking ask

Jun 15, 2009 15:50

Fujiko-san? Reborn-san? Tenth? If.. um.. If anyone happens to be passing by the ship's hold, I need a little assistance. It's nothing terrible, really. I just can't get up. It's hard to do with a broken leg and all of this junk piled on top of me in pitch darkness

[character] colonello, [character] lal mirch, !mallowmateys, [character] fujiko, [character] reborn, [character] mashiro, [character] orpherus, [character] steve holt

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doubleppk June 15 2009, 23:23:42 UTC

On my way. I'll make Jyabura manage the controls for a couple second. What the fuck did you do?!?!


bakudan_shounen June 15 2009, 23:26:57 UTC
What?! I was just practicing and the power went out and then this loud beat started playing.. Oh. The broken leg? That's not important. I just have a few heavy boxes on top of me.


doubleppk June 15 2009, 23:29:49 UTC
Practicing? Power? Loud beat?

.... NOTHING IMPORTANT?! You broke your leg! That's pretty damn important. Argh... Still running. I just... have to resurface. Without bumping your ship. Damn.


bakudan_shounen June 15 2009, 23:33:20 UTC
I was practicing in my usual place and the lights went out. Fuck, I didn't start anything. There was just this loud beat... like I know it sounds stupid a techno beat..

I broke it during the invasion. Or rather, SOME FUCKING RETARD FIRED A CANNON AT ME.


doubleppk June 15 2009, 23:36:30 UTC
.... There's a lot of weird shit happening. Toboe found someone who isn't Tsume. And I think we have a banshee. Or a kappa. Or Killua installed some sound alarm and didn't tell me.

..... Wow. You survived a cannon... Nice! But um. Sorry about the leg. Okay, coming over.


bakudan_shounen June 15 2009, 23:39:39 UTC
A power shortage is not what I would call "weird shit" but if you say so.. The whole techno thing is a bit odd... and where did the colors even fucking come from...

Yeah! I took a hit while protecting the Tenth!


doubleppk June 16 2009, 21:28:31 UTC
Gokudera... what the hell happened? I just lost... like 20 hours or something?!

That's kind of badass about the leg though.


bakudan_shounen June 16 2009, 23:56:21 UTC


doubleppk June 17 2009, 05:58:05 UTC
Uh. I don't even know anymore.


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