I am a MYSTERY HUNTER | Video evidence

May 07, 2010 23:13

Tenth, I’ve been very busy finding correlations between mysteries in this world and our own like you wanted, and I’ve found something incredible here!

Now… as you know, Bigfoot (also known as Sasquatch), is an ape-like creature inhabiting forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America (of our world).

But I’ve also seen him in the Sweet Death Submarine’s own Greenhouse!

I have footprints to back this up, and though I have not encountered the creature in person, I also have video evidence. I wasn’t even aware our greenhouse could support life like this, considering Sasquatch is believe to be an omnivore… and it’s rare he would be seen in the day. But this video clip was of such high quality, I couldn’t keep it to myself!

So, believe it or not, I’ve found Bigfoot!

[The video begins in static, reading the date and time on the lower right corner. It’s from April 7th, around noon (during the “Ghosts of the Past” event).

When the static clears, everything is white until a large, clean room comes into focus. It looks empty save for an electric keyboard in the back, with Gokudera sitting at it. He’s playing, concentrating deeply, and is wearing a large pair of studio headphones over his ears. Though you can only hear the sound of his fingers tapping away at the white and black plastic keys, it’s obvious that this would be a complicated piece.

He plays on for a whole five minutes and thirty-three seconds, and the entire time, a woman is standing behind him, silent. Her expression never changes, and she doesn’t even seem to blink. When he finishes playing, he pushes the headphones down and sighs deeply before turning on the bench to face her.

It seems their eyes meet for a second and he reaches up to take her hand in his own. However, it only passes through and he looks down where they’re “connected” before it balls up into a fist. His lips move and no sound comes out, then the video cuts back to a few seconds of static and ends.]

[[ooc: Gokudera isn’t aware he posted the wrong video. Eventually, he’ll realize it, and then he’s going to lock himself in his room until the 11th, when he’ll find out about the “capture-the-flag” game and start training to the point of self-destruction. You can try to get him out of his angst (I don’t like playing him as an angst bucket, to be completely honest), but I doubt it will work considering this is the month of angst (see: May 9th is mother’s day and May 10th is marks his seven month anniversary with Miranda WHICH HE WILL BE SPENDING ALONE TYVM).

Oh, and I'm not going to have him fix the entry for the while, and keep every thread separate so you guys can all have a chance to comment and it will seem like the first one in the entry to him. c: ]]

[character] key, !mallowmateys, [character] akito/agito, [character] vivi, [character] shibuya shouri, [character] cossette, [character] italy romano, [character] rinali, [character] yamamoto, [character] roxas, [character] goemon, [character] yoruichi, [character] allen

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