OOC log [Closed] A midnight scuffle

Apr 21, 2010 21:31

Who: Roxas key_destination  and Gokudera migi_te_man 
What: Super Roxas to the rescue
Where: Some random island
When: April 27
Why: I like logging.
Warning: Gokudera's mouth and... idk blood

He steps out of the bar, annoyed by how the keeper had opted to turn pale and start babbling out of fear rather than be helpful.
Gokudera put the picture away. No one recognized her, but he was sure that enough people had recognized him… The posters he thinks and rolls his eyes. It wasn’t like he actually minded people keeping their distance from him. They’d done that even before he’d had a bounty. What was really annoying was how they seemed to openly recognize and turn away from him, talking amongst themselves as though he couldn’t see them.
But what really got on his nerves, what was something else entirely annoying, though not unfamiliar were the attempts on his life.

“I don’t have time to waste on you. If you’ve got something to say, then say it.” He growls, not even bothering to look at the people approaching him. Five… and he’s being slowly surrounded. They look unarmed, and for the sake of not bringing shame to the Tenth’s name, he doesn’t plan to blow them up.

He takes a step away from the wall, hands still in his pockets. When one of the men makes a remark about how they don’t like having pirates in their town, he shrugs, “Fine. I’ll just leave.” Usually, he’d have not said anything, and let them hackle him, but by the way these guys are circling, he can tell they want to do more than exchange a few words.

“Oh no you don’t-” When one of the guys grabs Gokudera’s shirt, he turns and throws a punch into his jaw hard enough to knock him back. There, only four left.

Gokudera turns on a dime and moves through the group, planting miniature sticks of dynamite in their pockets, belt loops, and around their feet in one movement. He stops behind them, confident his attack will land successfully, and as there are explosions behind him and a few screams, he’s sure it has. Until a bomb comes flying at him. “Shit-!” It catches his shoulder, exploding over it and sending him jerking forward from the force.

When he opens his eyes through the pain, he can make out three bodies. The teen grunts, shifting to push his weight onto his knees when he’s suddenly kicked in the back of the head. He falls, landing on his side and then rolling as he tries to gather his thoughts. Where were the other two? He  turns his head, catching sight of one of the men before he steps on his throat, effectively pinning him to the ground. “Nnnguh-!“ He rasps, glaring up at his attacker while reaching to find another stick of dynamite. His actions are halted once again as a sudden, crushing pressure is places on his fingers, “Gahh!!” Gokudera writhes, using his free, bloody hand to claw at the heel pressing harder against his throat.

“What are you waiting for?! Kill him so we can collect the bounty!” The smaller of the two says, panic clear in his voice.

!mallowmateys, !ooc log, [character] roxas

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