魚のビデオ - Fish Video

Mar 30, 2010 09:43

The video starts off relatively dark. Footsteps can be heard for a bit, then a loud banging sound that indicates Gokudera is setting the laptop down.

A few more moments of silence and a light clicks on.

Large eyes stare at you in what could be horror, but they are glazed and silent, helpless and lifeless. There is a curious scuffling sound and the dead fish move slightly -oh wait no, that's just the camera again-

Gokudera tilts the webcam up quickly, one furry paw coming into view before it settles on his silhouette. It's not smoke that billows out of his mouth as he breathes, but warm air. He's in the submarine's walk-in freezer. Giant ice sculptures decorate the room behind him, lining the walls and facing the gruesome, slimy fish mountain behind him. The light he's turned on is bouncing off their scales and the layer of film on the newest additions makes it all the more disgusting. A half-eaten carcass dangles from the cat-boy's left paw and he brings it to his mouth.

"Nya~m! Soon my collection will be complete!!" The delight in his voice is nothing short of adorable before he moves closer and is suddenly more visible thanks to the soft light coming from the laptop's screen. Cat ears twitch and flick back, yellow eyes narrow, and when he speaks, fangs are clearly visible in his mouth.
"A few of them are still alive. If you value their lives-" He sounds so annoyed by the thought "You will leave ten tuna per live fish on the Vongola!" He steps back a little to admire the disgusting smelly pile glorious collection of fish, tail flipping about happily. "Soon, I'll have everyone's fish on the Grand Line! Nya~! Don't even think of getting in my way or I'll kill you." And with those last growled words, the laptop snaps shut and the feed cuts off!

[character] tsuna, [character] momiji, !mallowmateys, [character] akito/agito, [character] robin, [character] mello, [character] aya, [character] lupin iii, [character] matrim, [character] ariel, [character] michiko, [character] araragi, [character] usopp, [character] poland, [character] allen, [character] miranda

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