Open log: Thousand Sunny

Mar 27, 2010 20:57

Who: Anyone on the Thousand Sunny
When: TONIGHT April 27 (it can be tonight or tomorrow night really, as long as it's night time :3)
Where: Thousand sunny... kitchen? (Wherever they keep their fish)
Warnings: Cursing, I guess

He's been here before as a guest. However, this night he won't have permission. )

!mallowmateys, [character] riza, !ooc log, [character] sanji

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serving_love March 28 2010, 03:41:51 UTC
Late as it was, Sanji hadn't actually gone to bed yet. He'd picked up some new cookbooks from the island they were currently docked at, and was taking advantage of the quiet hour to read them over down in the Aquarium Bar. He was lounging on the couch when he thought he heard-something. He frowned, glancing around the room for a moment, before shrugging and returning to his cookbook. Probably just one of the cats prowling about.


bakudan_shounen March 28 2010, 04:21:31 UTC
Black sneakers pat lightly on the ground as Gokudera makes his way through the ship, lifting his face occasionally to taste at the air. He can hear the sound of water bubbling, but not in the usual way. It reminds him of the tank his boss had with the fish in it. They had been easy prey, but he really disliked having to get wet in order to retrieve them. He wonders if the fish they keep here are pets, and if they will be more appetizing than the small ones he'd fetched before. Gokudera stops short of the entrance, staring at Sanji through a cracked door and sizing him up. He can't decide whether or not it's worth disturbing this guy. He doesn't want to be hit with a broom again. But... that's a lot of fish and they do look tasty.

Ah! If he can distract him, then he can sneak in and then steal the fish! The teen grins, fangs flashing before he pulls out a smoke bomb and rolls it in. Soon the room will be filled with smoke and the fish will be mine! he thinks, practically dancing in place.


serving_love March 28 2010, 07:11:55 UTC
Sanji frowned again when there was yet more noise, but when he looked down all he saw was-actually, what the hell was that? A cat toy? He glanced at the door again, but still didn't see Leo playing around anywhere. Sanji figured she was hiding somewhere and kicked the smoke bomb lightly away from him.

...Except then it started expelling smoke at an alarming rate and- "What the hell?!" he exclaimed, jumping to his feet.


bakudan_shounen March 28 2010, 23:54:01 UTC
The door creaks open and he creeps in, using the smokescreen as a means to hide himself from the cook and gain the advantage of a sneak attack. Attack first, demand fish later. Gokudera knows from personal experience how Sanji fights. As long as he is able to avoid those kicks, he should be fine.

However, he has to be close to use his claws. Gokudera ducks down, thin legs bending like springs beneath him before he leaps behind the blonde man, claws aiming to rake down the back of his neck.


queenchesspiece March 29 2010, 00:44:01 UTC
Riza yawned, making her way down the hall. She was having a hard time sleeping for some reason and had figured a glass of water might help. The woman was a few feet from the door when she heard the noises. Scuffling? Or was it just other people like her, roaming the ship at night? She took a few steps closer, peering silently through the crack by the doorframe.

There was already a good amount of smoke filling the room, and she could vaguely make out Sanji's form through it. Suspicious now, she drew her gun from her belt and knelt down, aiming the end though the doorframe.


serving_love March 29 2010, 02:33:38 UTC
Luckily, Sanji had been attacked under worse conditions, and he wasn't about to let a little smoke slow him down. Not knowing exactly what was attacking him, though, he refrained from kicking outright and instead spun around and blocked with his knee. The fucking hell-were those CLAWS? For one wild moment, Sanji wondered what he'd done to piss Lucci off this much, but no...too small to be Lucci. He fell back into a defensive stance, eyeing the figure through the smoke and waiting to see what it did next.


bakudan_shounen March 29 2010, 02:47:54 UTC
Gokudera jumps back after the block, "Shit!" He practically hisses, glaring and slouching in the usual way as he backs up into the smoke. His bomb is dying out now, and he's desperately attacking, rushing at Sanji again while he still has his cover. He's never actually tested his smoke bombs as cover during a fight, so when it starts clearing, he curses a little more. It's too late to get the fish and run out now, and Sanji is clearly a force to be reckoned with. Oh well, one last strike and if that doesn't work, he'll have to re-think his strategies.


queenchesspiece March 29 2010, 23:53:57 UTC
She couldn't figure it out. Whatever Sanji was fighting was good at hiding in the smoke.

And whatever it was, it obviously didn't belong on the ship if Sanji was fighting it. Careful not to hit her shipmate, she took a potshot into the smoke from her spot.

Maybe it'd spook and come out? She didn't actually want to hit it until she knew what it was.


serving_love March 30 2010, 02:16:36 UTC
Sanji jumped back at the shot, eyes darting to the side for a moment to see if there was another enemy around. He figured there wasn't, or the shot probably would've been aimed more directly at him. Deciding not to worry about that, he turned his gaze back on the figure in front of him, eyes narrowing as the smoke cleared some more.

"Alright, asshole, who are you and what do you want?"


bakudan_shounen March 30 2010, 02:27:35 UTC
Gokudera stands, glaring through the settling smoke at Sanji, tail whipping behind him. "Stand and deliver! Your fish or your life! Nya" He says, claws bared as he slouches into another attack stance. He can't pay attention to that shot again, WON'T pay it attention when he's so focused on the potential prize.


queenchesspiece March 30 2010, 03:23:45 UTC
Fish? The hell was this? Riza nudged open the door, making herself a little more obvious. The figure in front of her was odd, and she had to look twice to make sure of what she was seeing.

"All right. Who the hell are you?" Gun was cocked and ready if needed.


serving_love March 30 2010, 05:31:12 UTC
...That was unexpected. Sanji blinked, frowned, blinked again, tried to say something...and then just looked confused.

"You...want our fish?" he repeated, straightening out of his defensive pose. He spared a moment to shoot Riza a bright grin, making a mental note to apologize later for all the noise that he assumed had woken her up, and then looked back at...huh. Actually, thing looked familiar...


bakudan_shounen March 30 2010, 05:44:19 UTC
Gokudera looks like himself, but his eyes seem to be a light yellow, the pupils smaller than usual as he glares at Sanji, then at the woman by the door. Seeing as she's armed, he decides he'll take her out first. Sure Sanji is a threat, but at least he's a familiar opponent. He looks back and forth between them, tail swishing as he thinks of his next move. The teen isn't big on answering their questions, considering it a real waste of their time and he hisses, "Your FISH! All of them!!"

Without any further explanation, he runs at Riza, leaping forward and swinging his front paws quickly. If he evens this out, maybe then his demands will be met.


queenchesspiece March 31 2010, 00:32:37 UTC
She wasn't expecting that.

Riza tumbled backwards, breath knocked out. With a gasp she tried to sit up, but his weight was on her. Was this a kid? And he'd gotten the better of her? She was trained for this type of situation! How did that happen?

Annoyed now, the woman sent a hard knee to his underside in an attempt to shove him off. Her left hand was stretching for the gun that had been knocked aside, but was having trouble.


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