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sonoftheseadog March 7 2010, 22:04:35 UTC
Ooh. Sparkly.


bakudan_shounen March 7 2010, 22:05:29 UTC
I didn't have time to make a sign so yes. Sparkles.


sonoftheseadog March 7 2010, 22:06:44 UTC
I should have a party to celebrate my new crew members too.

I'm Percy, by the way. Percy Jackson.


bakudan_shounen March 7 2010, 22:07:53 UTC
You're captain of the Calypso, right? What kind of ship is it?

Idiot. We've spoken and I can read your other conversations. I know who you are.


sonoftheseadog March 7 2010, 22:14:09 UTC
Yeah, I am. She's a Spanish Galleon. What kind of ship is the...Vongola, was it?

Yes, I remember. You called me pathetic and never introduced yourself. I thought that maybe if I introduced myself this time you'd take the hint and do the same.


bakudan_shounen March 7 2010, 22:19:43 UTC
Do you have any goals as the captain, or are you just focusing on gathering people for a crew? The Vongola is a Yacht.

I thought maybe if I treated you that way, you'd know I really didn't care, but I guess you're somewhat dense. I'm Gokudera. Gokudera Hayato.


sonoftheseadog March 7 2010, 22:27:42 UTC
We're going to look for a way home. That's the only plan for now.

Ooh. A yacht. Fancy.

I don't really care whether you care or not. I'm bored and you posted, so I commented. And if you really didn't care, why did you bother to comment to my entry in the first place? And you just said that you've been reading my threads.

Nice to meet you, Gokudera.


bakudan_shounen March 7 2010, 22:38:09 UTC
Good Luck.

I commented because I was curious!

Of course... as the Tenth's right-hand, I should have extended knowledge on who else is traveling these waters. I didn't care about introducing myself to you, or I would have done that earlier, that's all.


sonoftheseadog March 7 2010, 22:41:02 UTC

Curious about what?

Extended knowledge? Then you must not be a very good judge of character, calling a demigod "pathetic".


bakudan_shounen March 7 2010, 22:44:06 UTC
What your previous profession was.

I only said you looked pathetic.


sonoftheseadog March 7 2010, 22:46:50 UTC
You realize it's rude to ask questions like that without introducing yourself first, right?

Well you look like you haven't slept in about three weeks.


bakudan_shounen March 7 2010, 22:52:30 UTC
Yeah, and?

Shit, really? The hell was I supposed to think? You were floating on the Grand Line half naked in a rowboat.


sonoftheseadog March 7 2010, 23:06:47 UTC
It's easier to get information out of people if you're not a jerk about it.

Well not all of us can afford a yacht.


bakudan_shounen March 7 2010, 23:12:27 UTC
You can often get a lot of information without ever having to speak with them also.

It's only because I'm mafia. I don't expect anyone to travel this way, except pirates.

You may not know, but being stranded on an island is a risk often worth taking when the waters here are so unpredictable. So you not only looked pathetic, but extremely stupid. Have you even captained a ship before?


sonoftheseadog March 7 2010, 23:30:01 UTC
Well that's just kind of creepy.

Mafia, huh?

Yes I have. And as the son of the sea god, the sea is the safest place for me to be.


bakudan_shounen March 8 2010, 00:05:26 UTC
There's nothing creepy about having good observational skills.

Right. The Vongola is the strongest mafia in the world.

Who says this sea is the same as your sea?


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