Feb 11, 2010 10:06

Hey guys!! I'm running out between ships, so we're surfacing the sub! Is there anyone who wants a free driving lesson? I'll be starting as soon as I finish teaching the Tenth about how the submarine works. Do you remember what the ballast tank is, boss?

To everyone who doesn't have a Valentine... sucks to be you~! But don't worry, I'm sure it won't last that long! Longchamp isn't dating any of ya, so you've got to be doing something right!

I think I figured out how to send out messages to my world without having to use a gull! I got something back.


[ooc: So yesterday was AWESOME for Gokudera if you know what I mean. He got to do Miranda and then the Tenth came back. I hate to post again so quickly, but this really is something rare for him. He is in SUCH a good mood, so expect some tildes and nicknames and just... peppiness! Happy early White and Valentine's day, guys! <3

P.S. The cupcakes are from Bianchi. So they're poisonous.]

[character] colonello, [character] tsuna, [character] sora, !mallowmateys, [character] lucci, [character] lavi, [character] brooke, [character] fay~, [character] tulio, [character] ace, [character] roxas, [character] aya, [character] mello, [character] fujiko, [character] ariel, [character] michiko, [character] haru, [character] dante, [character] leo, [character] usopp, [character] gir, [character] the doctor, [character] allen, [character] bianchi, [character] miranda, [character] kamui

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