ooc log: The brig

Nov 02, 2009 01:48

 The air ship was busy with vampires and even some ghouls, wandering around its decks. Herr Major sits in his plush captain's chair as he stares at the wall of tv screens that are displayed in front of him. All of them have a different scene on them, but all of them are videos of the ship, security videos. His beady eyes are locked on one screen, the brig, where his prisoner is kept.

Stripped of his weapons, Gokudera sits in the ill-lit chamber. Despite the fact that he's no longer clad in layers of metal, he's cold from the air touching his bare back. He's quiet, ears perked for any sound, and he's blatantly ignoring the guard outside his holding cell. The Vongola storm guardian runs his thumb over his rings and shuts his eyes, having faith that his stay won't be long. He feels like an idiot for walking onto the ship in the first place and mentally berates himself for his carelessness.

Herr Major chuckles at the boy on the screen, in his hand is one of the boy's box weapons. It is very curious to him, but also very exciting. He rises from his chair, a pleasant twisted smile on his plump face. Two of his vampires follow him to the stair case, and follow him towards the brig. "Let us see, vhat our dear prisoner has to say, ja?"

Gokudera straightens up at the sound of a door shutting and footsteps moving closer and glares up when the guard outside moves, his figure blocking the light for a moment before it shines back on his silver-painted cheeks. His fingers curl into fists and he can feel heat from his storm ring. It's weak though, because fear and panic are lacing stronger than loyalty. He knows his boss will save him, but at the moment, not knowing why he's being held prisoner worries him. Just how big are this guy's plans?

Herr Major slowly makes his way toward the end of the cell block. He doesn’t stop until he’s facing the boy. "Und, how are you?" He smirks, in his hand is the box weapon still, his sausage like fingers poking at it.

He eyes his box weapon, wondering where the other fifteen are as an angry snarl curls his lips. "What the hell do you want with me?" Gokudera cuts through the short talk. The longer he's here, the longer his boss will worry, and he doesn't want him to be troubled.

"You snuck onto MY ship, did you really think I vould just let you go?" That sick smile is still wrapped around his face. "Of course not. Vhat fun vould that be."

The two vampires that were with him both stared at Gokudera, their eyes, unblinkingly attached to the boy. They smelled his young blood in his veins, and they wanted it.

"I..." He's not going to say that he snuck on board looking for someone to give him a heart and then rusted in place. That would NOT sound cool. "Let me go." Gokudera growls and shifts, trying to free his hands from their binds. The eyes that linger on him only serve to heighten his prickling senses.

"Don't vorry boy, you're not that important to me, you vill be released as soon as your captain gives me vhat I vant." But, until then, he can do whatever he wants to the boy. "Tell me," He twirls the box between his fingers. "How does this vork?"

"What are your demands?" Gokudera asks, ignoring the polite command. His green eyes follow the dirty-looking box and the light is not well enough for him to make out which weapon it is. Maybe if it's Uri, he can open it and have the storm leopard attack, or maybe his skull cannon. He grins internally at the thought and glances quickly at Major's round glasses.

"My demands?" he questions the boy. "They are simple enough." He places the box into his pocket. "but, you don't need to vorry vith them." He smiles. "Now, am I going to ask to ask again, or are you going to answer the question?"

"Vaffanculo! As if I'd tell you!" He snarls. Gokudera focuses his full attention on the man before him as his box is put away.

Herr Major sighs, one can tell that he is disappointed, but that smile is still on his face. "Oh vell. I tried being nice," His eyes move and look to the vampire on his right. "Persuade him." He orders. The vampire's lips curl into a pointed toothed grin as he cracks his knuckles and enters the cell.

"You wouldn't even understand, anyways, disgusting oaf." He growls. If he's going to get throttled, he's going to throw in a little more to make it well worth it.

The Major just smiles at the boy's ignorance. He wasn't stupid, he knew almost everything about advance techonogoly, seeing as it made up half of his bodu. But of course the boy doesn't know that. "I'm sure I vouldn't, but it vould be interesting to hear," he chuckles as he folds his arms behind his back.

The vampire grins as he takes another step towards Gokudera, he loosens his collar as he licks his lips. "töten Sie ihn nicht" Herr major orders the vampire who merely nods his head before he pounces onto the boy. He can't use his fangs, as it would turn him into a ghoul, and they can’t have that, but he can still use his claws...

Unable to defend himself immediately, Gokudera lets out a sharp cry as the vampire begins digging sharp claws into his pale flesh. "Guh." The teen grits his teeth, thinking to himself that Uri scratches harder. He lifts up his legs in an attempt to kick his attacker off.

The vampire grins as his hand wraps around Gokudera's leg, and squeezes as hard as he can, breaking his leg. "Thats one," The vampire purrs before he runs his tongue across the gash he made in his flesh. The boy was indeed a virgin, his blood was too sweet to be anything else.

The scratching had been enough, but as the vampire's grip tightens, he screams in agony, writhing in an attempt to escape the hand that is quite literally crushing him. His eyes open impossibly wide as he hears the sickening sound of his leg breaking. Herr Major's voice strikes him hard and to prevent his other leg being broken, he knows he has to say something. The information isn't worth it! "Y-You have to have a flame!" The teen yells in desperation, gritting his teeth against the feeling of oh god why was this guy licking him?! What the fuck...? He stares at the vampire's fangs and blanches.

Herr Major lifts his hand, which makes the vampire stop what he is doing and stand up, over Gokudera.

"Vhat flame?" The Major asked raising an eyebrow at that.

When the attack stops, he eyes the vampire looming over him, "A dying will flame..." Gokudera pants, feeling pain throb through his leg. It's the same place as before, and he wonders how or if he'll be able to set it on his own. "Yours probably isn't even strong enough to open a cardboard box..."

"Dying vill flame?" He seems interested in this. "Vhat is a dying vill flame? How does one possess it?" he questions.

"Everyone has one..." Gokudera says. "It's the will of the dying, and the flame is made up of the super condensed energy." He looks away from Major to inspect the many gashes over his chest that are bleeding profusely, making his small cell stink of sweet iron.

The Major is quiet now. He understands what the child means. He had come close to dying before, 'knocked on death's door' some would call it. He had been beaten to the point of death by his enemies, and the devil came to make a deal with him, the same deal the he had given to Alucard. The life of a monster, but he had refused it, for his own selfish reason. "Interesting." He mutters to himself. "und you say, I don't haf one. Silly child." He snickers. He notices that both of the vampires are now getting anxious. "säubern Sie es" he orders the two vampires, who both happily begin to lap the blood up off of the floor, and Gokudera himself.

The boy watches weakly as the vampires drink from his wounds and he feels sick. "You're too weak!" He growls, unable to shift away without rolling weight onto his broken leg. "...Fat bastard..." What little color in his face is slipping away and he narrows acidic green eyes at the german man.

"'Too veak' you say?" Herr Major just smiles. "Oh, you poor ignorant boy. If only you knew my story, but you shall be staying ignorant." He snaps his fingers and the vampires are at his side in a instant. "Call Herr Dok to him, we can't haf him bleeding out now, can ve?" He smiles before turning his back and starting to walk back down the hallway.

He listens with all the attention he can muster, but he's much too distracted by the blur in the corner of his eyes and the hard thumping of his heart in his chest. Gokudera finds himself longing to know more about the man who's holding him captive, despite the fact that now is not the time or place for such a discussion. Relieved to have the hungry vampires away from him, he sighs heavily and shivers, curling in slightly to ease the pressure off one side.

!mallowmateys, !ooc log, [character] herr major

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