Ooc Log: A Tentative Truce

Sep 05, 2009 23:23

Who: Gokudera and Haru
What: Training and talking
When: September 3rd
Where: The "mostly abandoned" island Gokudera's been training on.
Warning: Gokudera's mouth XD So.. yeah. Cursing.

Haru wakes up to the acrid scent of smoke on the breeze and an ache in his belly that reminds him he forgot to pack anything to eat. He stands, stretching and listening to the crack of his bones loosening when he spots a white plume coming from a group of trees not far from him. Perhaps someone is there that he can get some food from. After gathering up his things, he makes his way towards the small forest.

Gokudera yawns, slumped over on a fallen, rotting log. He prods the glowing embers of the fire that he was trying to resurrect. The leaves he'd thrown on were not doing well to give him warmth. He throws a few small dry twigs on and blows, watching as the dead leaves curl slightly and catch fire. The smoke that billows around him makes his eyes sting, but there is actual flames and heat. Thanks to Uri's exploring, he'd stumbled upon a good supply of eggs that weren't so bad. He'd brought food, but he wasn't going to use it all up the first half of his week of training. The kitten beside him stretches lazily and gives a pathetic meow. "You've already eaten!" Gokudera says, rubbing an eye and frowning at the small mischievous animal.

Hearing an indistinct voice, Haru pushes aside some brush and enters the clearing. "Hi! I was wondering if- oh." Seeing who is there is like a small blow to his system. The silver-haired man throws in sharp focus the reason why he is out here in the first place. He begins to turn and leave almost as soon as he enters.

"Hey." Gokudera barks. He's sick of having only his ill-trained kitten as his only companion on the island. He's filled with a little relief that he's not alone -not that he would admit to being lonely. The silver-haired boy might not like Haru, but at least the earthbender won't scratch him. "..." Gokudera runs a hand through his tangle-ridden hair and yawns, "You eaten anything yet?" His eggs are going to burn if he doesn't flip them soon.

Surprised and a not a little apprehensive, Haru turns back to face Gokudera. "What?"

Gokudera frowns, annoyed that he has to repeat himself. Maybe he had been yawning too much so his question hadn't been clear? "Have you had any breakfast?" He asks.

Haru blinks. Did he just ask...?  "No...", he says warily.

"Want some?" Gokudera asks and he's so focused on Haru that he doesn't notice that the side of his egg is blackening.

"Uh, sure. You know it's burning, right?" He walks further into the clearing and eyes the medium sized cat relaxing near Gokudera.

"Crap!" Gokudera spins about quickly and glances around his feet before reaching a scratched hand to the hot metal. He grabs the pan and hisses, pulling back and then balling his fist. He pierces the egg with a fork and dumps it onto a paper plate. For a moment, he considers it, then frowns at his charred breakfast. He really wants to get into his cup noodle now. "I can make you a new one." Gokudera scratches the back of his neck -a habit he's picked up from Yamamoto- and grabs a new egg.

Haru really doesn't to eat burned egg for breakfast but he's reluctant to push his luck with the temperamental boy. "It's ok. I don't mind."

"Oh..." Gokudera sighs and goes about making the second, less burned egg. He motions beside him for Haru to take a seat. "Hold on." He sets his plate down and picks up the sleeping kitten beside him. "Come on..." His voice is gentle as he cradles Uri, attempting not to wake him up. The bomber glances up at Haru and nods his head to the now empty seat beside him. When Uri shifts and stretches his legs, Gokudera freezes, "Hey..." He says, trying to greet the kitten as calmly as he can.

Sitting down, Haru looks a little closer at the animal in Gokudera's arms. "Are those... flames in her ears?"

"Shh you'll wake h-" Gokudera turns his face to Haru for a moment to hush him. When he looks back at the cat, Uri is staring at him almost suspiciously. "Sh-shit." He stammers and the cat latches onto his face, clawing at him in annoyance. "GWAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Gokudera falls back and yanks the small furry menace from his face. Uri scampers some distance away and licks his side as though being touched by his owner has dirtied him. "Stupid ungrateful..." Gokudera mutters and puts a hand over his face, not bothering to sit up.

Haru leaps back when the cat suddenly attacks its owner. "She's your pet?!" He asks, astonished. He peers at Gokudera, wincing in sympathy at the fierce looking scratches and noticing that they are overlaying healing, older looking ones.

"Weapon..." He groans and sits up. The cat is already curled back up and falling asleep. Gokudera feels a little guilty for having disturbed him after a hard day of training and pulls out Uri's box to call him back.

"I didn't think weapons were supposed to attack the person using them." It's hard to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. "So other than scratching someone to death, how is she a weapon?"

"Uri is very strong when he wants to be. He's cranky though. I've been trying to synchronize an attack with one of his own but he'd rather go off and chase anything that moves." Gokudera says. As far as he can tell, he's the only person Uri likes to scratch and he wonders if it will always be that way.

"Oh, it's a boy? Looked like a girl to me somehow... oh well. So this is another dying will thing?" The calm normalcy of the conversation is almost unnerving to Haru. Even as he sits there seemingly relaxed, he can feel his muscles tensing in preparation of defense.

"I'm not sure on it yet..." Gokudera says. He walks over to the sleeping kitten and gives it a gentle pet before putting it back in the box. "It feeds off of my flame." He nods, wondering how much Haru knows about box weapons.

"Did...? Wait. Where did it go?!" One second the cat is there and the next there is a flash of light and it's gone. The earthbender has never seen anything like this before in his life. Vanishing animals?

"Where it belongs." He stretches and motions to one of the many boxes strapped to his belt.

"Is that... magic?" There are mysterious things back home and Haru's heard tales of magic before but it is always connected with the spirit world. Perhaps this is something like that. He wonders, staring at the small boxes looped around Gokudera's hips.

"No." He answers and sits back down beside Haru, stirring the fire slightly and beginning to eat his cold egg.

Sensing he's not going to get much more of an answer and not willing to press for more, Haru picks up the plate with the burned egg and takes a tiny bite from the less burnt portion. "Mmm... smoky." He offers a small amused smile to his companion and feels a little hope that perhaps things are beginning to look up between them.

"I hate cooking." Gokudera slumps and rests his chin in his hands. He watches the fire and just enjoys the company, although, there is still something bothering him. "Why are you here, Haru?" He asks, his voice quiet.

The questions catches him off guard and he coughs a little before speaking. "I decided to do some training. That's all", he answers, equally as quiet.

"Hn." Gokudera nods and his eyes shut. He can respect that reason, he just wonders a little about the motives behind it. He'd been sparring with the Tenth a while back. Gokudera remembered Haru not winning. Maybe he was feeling depressed about his progress. He doesn't want to pry.

"What about you? Just training your... weapon?" Haru wants to ask about Tsuna so badly but bites his tongue before the provoking question can leave his lips.

"Yeah." Training Uri is merely a cover. His real reasons for leaving the Vongola ship for a week are too personal and he doesn't want to be teased about it. No exceptions. He has been training Uri though. His mind has just been on other things. "I didn't think anyone else was here."

Haru nods. "Same here. I didn't think anyone was here either. I just wanted a little time alone." He pauses then says quickly. "To train, I mean!"

"You've been busy sparring with that idiot. I'd want to train alone too." Gokudera wonders why Haru felt the need to clarify the training part. He knows that's what the earthbender is there for, so why did he need to add it on? He feels a pang of suspicion and the glint in his eyes shows it.

"Idiot? You mean Master Yamamoto?" He's vaguely offended at the insult to the other boy. Haru already feels he's learned a lot from his sessions with the swordsman.

"Yeah." Gokudera says and holds himself back from pulling out a cigarette. "... Master?" He frowns.

"Of course. He's training me so that makes him my master." Haru absently grabs a few small rocks and uses his fingers to spin them in the air above his palm. "He's already taught me a lot." He feels a need to defend his trainer to the bomber.

"Has he taught you how to hit a ball with a stick, then?" Gokudera grins and watches the rocks spin before Haru. He vividly remembers being hit so he eyes them warily.

"A ball with a stick?" He asks, a little puzzled. "No, nothing like that. At least not yet." He notices Gokudera's watchful gaze fall on the rotating rocks and a faint feeling of remaining guilt touches him so he lets the stones fall into his palm, crushing them before the breeze blows the dust away.

Gokudera tries not to look interested. "Fucking baseball nut... What has he taught you, then?"

Again that strange word. "What is base-ball? Master Yamamoto has mentioned it but I never asked." Haru decides to ignore the latter half of the question for now in the face of his curiosity.

"It's a game." Gokudera says and he turns slightly, starting to draw a diamond in the dirt before him. "Where you hit a ball... with a stick." He pushes a rock onto the point nearest him.

"Oh, we have games like that back home but... well, when I was a kid I mean. We used bending instead of a stick." Haru watches what the silver-haired man is doing and recalls happier days at home playing with his friends before the Fire Nation came and stole his childhood from him.

"Baseball is all that idiot ever thinks about." Gokudera says, and there is a fondness in his voice. Life on the grand line took away the open space that his partner needed to play in. He wonders if Yamamoto gets depressed about it.

Haru can hear the affection in Gokudera's voice and he's a little startled. "You guys are really good friends, huh? That's nice." A small smile curves his lips.

"Tch, we're not good friends." Gokudera says, pouting slightly. "We're partners and that idiot is Tenth's Rain Guardian."

Now Haru is really confused. "So you don't like him then? And what's a Rain Guardian?"

Gokudera groans. "He has no idea what personal space is, and he spouts random shit all the time. Rain is Yamamoto's flame attribute." Maybe if he cuts his sentences shorter it will help convey that he doesn't want to stay on the subject.

He's starting to get the idea that there is more to this story but decides not to pry or make assumptions. If the other boy wants to tell him more he will. Taking the less volatile path Haru asks, "His flame attribute? He explained his powers with water were kind of like bending but do you have one too?"

"Five." Gokudera says. He runs his foot over the diamond he drew. "And it's not all that like bending. Yamamoto can do very little to water without certain tools."

"Can you tell me more about it? It's interesting." Haru turns a little towards his companion.

Gokudera narrows his eyes suspiciously. He doesn't like the idea of sharing information that might give someone an advantage or further insight into the working of their weapons, but his boss trusts Haru. He sighs and nods. "Do you know anything about box weapons?"

Box weapons? Sounds like something Teo's father would make. Haru glances at the row of tiny cubes resting above Gokudera's lap. "No. Are they box weapons?" He asks, gesturing to them and remembering the small cat's mysterious disappearance into one.

"Yes. They are weapons designed from nature. Some are storage. In order to open them, I need to insert a certain flame. Uri is a storm based weapon, so I need a storm flame. Get it?" His Vongola ring gives off a red flame as he presents his fist to Haru.

Automatically, Haru jerks his head back from the small flame emanating from Gokudera's ring. "S... storm flame. Right. Is that like your chi?" He realizes he's trying to find a way to relate it to his own world.  Homesickness chokes him for a second but he hides it by reaching down and again grabbing a few stones, raising a hand to rotate them.

"My chi?" Gokudera frowns at his flame. "It's something similar. I have multiple wave energies, but my resolution is predominantly storm flame." When he looks down at the Vongola Storm ring, he feels his chest well with pride and he's smiling. From the corner of his eye, he watches Haru pick up some stones. His gaze sharpens as his attention focuses on Haru's hand, wondering exactly how bending works.

Haru listens intently, trying to understand what Gokudera is telling him. He's glad to see the normally bad-tempered boy smile. It's only because he's watching the bomber's face that he notices when his attention has fallen to Haru's hand. "Oh! Sorry!" He grimaces, quickly dropping the rocks.

Gokudera glances down at the fallen rocks, "You sure like doing that a lot, huh?" He picks up the stones and shrugs before holding them out in an open palm for Haru.

"It's a habit. Part of me, I guess." He draws the stones to him and idly spins them, relaxing when he sees that the other boy isn't bothered by it.

He watches Haru play with the stones like a man would play with a gun. Sure they can be dangerous, but he's starting to trust Haru a little more. "What's it like?"

He raises a brow. "Bending? It's... I don't know. I can feel this connection with the earth inside me. It keeps me steady, rooted. When my dad was arrested, I remember breaking away from my mom and running after him. The soldiers were long gone by then though. I walked home and I was so... angry." The stones floating above his hand begin to spin faster as he relives the memory. "They took him away and there was nothing I could do! I sat down and I could feel this pull from the earth and I remembered everything my father had taught me about bending.  I started practicing in secret and it made me feel close to him like he was right there with-" Remembering himself suddenly, Haru cuts himself off and feels his face heat with embarrassment. "Sorry. I didn't mean to start rambling like that."

Gokudera frowns. Usually, he would spend his birthdays alone, paying respects to his mother. With Haru talking about the loss of a parent, he can feel an emptiness inside his chest. "It's alright." Light green eyes stare into the earthbender's, imploring him to continue.

"I... miss him. I had just gotten him back and now..." Haru holds up his hands in helpless resignation.

"Now...?" Gokudera cocks his head to the side and takes out a cigarette. He can't hold back the urge anymore, so he reaches into his shirt pocket and takes out a fresh stick.

Haru glances at the white stick and remembers his attempt at smoking. It's not an entirely pleasant memory. "Now, I'll probably never see him again. He was in prison for 5 years. A friend of mine helped rescue him just a few months ago. It wasn't enough time to have him back."

"But he's safe now, right?" Gokudera takes a drag from the cigarette and immediately feels relaxed. He leans back slightly and pushes his weight on his hands behind him.

Our ship was wrecked. I don't know." He's tried not to think about the possible fate of the others on the ship with him, wanting instead to imagine them all making it safely to shore. All except him, of course.

Gokudera bites his lip and looks away. He doesn't want to give Haru false hope when he isn't even sure what his father is like. "I'm sorry," He says quietly.

Haru's heard those words a few too many times lately. "Don't be. It's not your fault", he says with a more bitterness than he intends.

Gokudera looks taken aback, but he doesn't address the tone in Haru's voice. "I know. But..." He looks away, deciding it shouldn't be about his problems and he should get back to training.

Regretting how he sounded, Haru looks at the silver-haired boy kindly. "But... what?"

"Nothing, it's uh. It doesn't matter." He stands up and gathers the small skillet he'd been cooking in.

"Hey, wait." The earthbender stands and unthinkingly reaches out a hand to Gokudera's arm. "What is it?"

Gokudera freezes and turns his head to look at Haru. He's never spoken to anyone except Fujiko about the sadness in his past. And by the sound of things, Haru has enough of his own worries to deal with. "I have to train. I need to prove myself worthy of Tenth's right hand."

Haru pulls his hand back before it even makes contact with the volatile bomber's arm. "Of course." He hadn't really expected Gokudera to open up to him about anything but just the idea that it seems he may have thought about it warms the long-haired boy's heart.

"How long will you be training out here?" Gokudera asks, dismissing the uncomfortable air hanging around him as he walks away with the skillet, expecting Haru to follow.

"I should probably go back tomorrow, but I'd really rather stay for a while." Fujiko's words to him when he asked to train were, 'Fine, you've got a day. Then we have work to do.' Haru isn't anxious to risk the consequences of angering his captain so he knows he'll more than likely obey.

"Then stay." Gokudera says and packs the skillet away after wiping it down with a cloth. He turns around to face Haru and looks at his dirtied clothes, wondering how hard he has been training. In his opinion, the older boy looks worn down and he thinks he really should take a brush to his hair.

"And chance making Fujiko mad? No, thanks. I'll come back when I have some time." He needs more time to sort though his feelings. Figure out what is real or just fantasy, because it's obvious to him now that his affections hadn't been returned in the way he thought they were. Gods, it must have been so hard for Tsuna. His cheeks pinken in shame.

"Make Fujiko mad. It isn't that terrible." Gokudera shrugs. "Training is more important than pleasing her." He crosses his arms and nods matter-of factly. The boy frowns when he notices Haru's cheeks glowing slightly, and takes a step towards him.

When Gokudera advances, Haru takes a step back. "Wha... what?"

"Are you alright?" He asks and narrows his eyes, scrutinizing Haru once more.

The close examination only makes his face flame that much more. "Of course." Haru turns away a little to hide his reaction.

"Don't lie, Haru," He growls and flicks his cigarette, "Maybe you should go back early."

"I'm not lying! I'm fine. Why would I go back early?" That's the last thing Haru wants to do.

"You look like shit." Gokudera says, taking another step closer before raising his hand. "You sound depressed, and it looks like you haven't gotten much sleep. On top of that, you're flushed. If something isn't wrong with you, then I'll kiss my goddamn box weapon."

Am I that easy to see through?! His heart pounding, Haru takes another step back. "I'm fine! I was training. I'm tired. Nothing more than that."

"..." Gokudera feels annoyance bubbling within him and he reaches out to take Haru's arm. "Be straight with me, dammit!"

Pushed too far by the last few day's events and worn out emotionally and physically, the earthbender angrily retorts, "Fine! Tsuna broke up with me!" Shocked by his own outburst, Haru's mouth drops open and he tries to pull away. Gods, I must be insane!!

He drops his hand and doesn't take his eyes off Haru. He's still frowning, but it isn't in annoyance. Gokudera is confused, "You were... seeing the Tenth?"

"Yes. No. Sort of?" His face echoes his own confusion with the situation. Frustrated, he slides his hands into his hair only to wince when they encounter the rat's nest on his head. "We liked each- Ok. I like him but I guess he doesn't feel the... same... anymore. If he ever did." It's hard to say those words. Harder still when he knows how true they are.

"Hmm. So then, you were seeing the Tenth and expected more? The Tenth has always been very friendly." Gokudera says.

"It's not like that. He asked me out on a date." A ghost of a smile brushes Haru's lips as he remembers the convoluted yet charming way that invitation came about. "We met to spar and he... he kissed me." He sighs heavily. "That post I made where I said I was sorry? Before I changed it, it was a post about how happy I was that he'd kissed me." Biting his lip, he looks away. "He was upset. And then a few days ago he told me... that he couldn't be in a relationship with me because of that new girl that just arrived from your world."

Gokudera can't believe it. "I knew the Tenth liked you but..." The silver-haired boy is blushing darkly. To think that his boss liked boys like that. He'd thought- Gokudera sits down on the fallen log, looking stunned.

"Well, he doesn't like me anymore. I'd think you'd be be happy", Haru says bitterly.

"I can't believe it..." Gokudera says. "He likes you, but I can't imagine boss dating..." Someone like you! He feels a little frustrated, as though he's missed the opportunity to see something great.

"Don't you get it? He doesn't like me. He's not going to be dating anyone but her!" Haru is getting angry at having to repeat something so painful.

"Tenth likes you. Just not the same way, then." Gokudera says. He may sound confused, but the way he's looking at Haru shows that he understands the situation.

"I guess." Admitting this makes Haru's stomach clench.

"If Tenth was truly happy with you, then you might have a second chance..." Gokudera says. "But you should be happy for him with whatever he decides." A warning flash passes through his eyes like a bolt of lightning.

Haru frowns. "I am happy for him! That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be upset! He kissed me! He told me he liked me! I... I thought..." He trails off, pressing his lips together. "I am happy for him." He mutters quietly.

"Lust." Gokudera dismisses it, frowning at Haru. "If making the Tenth happy is important to you, then things might start looking up for you."

His face flames at Gokudera's words. Lust... Half remembered dreams and vivid fantasies pass through his mind. "I do... I want to make him happy."

"Hn. Good." For the second time since he woke up, his mind filled with thoughts of Yamamoto. He wonders if the swordsman is lonely without him. They're always so busy and now that he's away training and his partner is bringing guests onto the Vongola and taking active roles as an ambassador figure, they share even less time together. He sighs heavily and rests his chin in one hand, looking up at Haru with a bored and half expectant expression on his face.

"What?" Haru asks warily.

"You don't blame yourself, do you?" Gokudera asks.

He sighs. "I... I pushed him. I can tell that he's got so much inside him that he won't let out. So I forced him to tell me how he feels. I guess he wasn't ready. It doesn't matter now."

"Don't blame yourself. Tenth is very smart and wouldn't do anything he doesn't really want to." Gokudera says. "And it does matter. Sure, it can't change what's already happened, but maybe you've learned something?"

"Learned something. Yeah, I've learned a lot of somethings since I've been here. Doesn't make it hurt less." Wanting to shift the focus off of himself, Haru asks, "Do you have someone back home that may show up one day?"

"Someone? Like?" Gokudera asks. He isn't sure if Haru means family, or someone much closer. As far as he's concerned, he has the Tenth and that's all he needs to be happy.

"A girlfriend? Someone you liked." Haru is getting a little curious about the other boy.

"Ah, I have enough on the Vongola..." Gokudera coughs awkwardly and adverts his gaze, wondering why Haru had to bring him into this.

Sensing that he's on to something Haru digs a little deeper, forgetting his earlier caution with the storm guardian. "Your girlfriend is on the Vongola?" Mentally going through the list of people on the mafia ship his face lights up when he lights upon the most likely suspect. "Miranda! Of course, how could I forget?" He nods, smiling. "You're lucky. She's really nice."

Gokudera drops his face into his hand, rubbing at his temples in frustration. "Not Miranda. Guess again." Gokudera says as he lifts his face, wondering why this has turned into some kind of game.

Haru can't recall ever seeing Gokudera around another girl but Miranda. He frowns, trying to think of who it could be and comes up blank.. "Uh... I give up."

"You lose." Gokudera stands back up and begins rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck. He looks really pleased that Haru can't guess who his 'someone' is.

"Oh, come on. You have to tell me now." The smug look on the other boy's face makes him laugh and at the same time frustrates him to no end.

"I have to?" Gokudera stops adjusting himself for a moment to fix a solid frown on Haru. "How is it any of your business who I'm seeing?"

"Sorry! I didn't mean to pry!" Haru doesn't want the tentative peace between them to end and is quick to apologize.

It's in his nature to be volatile, or else he wouldn't really be called 'The Smoking Bomb.' Gokudera puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head. "It isn't a girl." He says.

Haru doesn't think his mouth can drop open any farther. Realizing he's gaping like a fish at the other boy, he says, "But you... you like boys?" Nothing about Gokudera would have clued him to that. His lips tingle with the memory of a shared kiss but he dismisses it quickly.

Gokudera feels his face go incredibly red and the way he's slightly slouched in his yelling posture is reminiscent of the picture of an angry kitten he's never even seen before. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GAWKING AT?!" His fists shake and his eyes are flashing.

"Nothing!" Haru nearly throws up a stone barrier in defense but tries one more time to calm things down. "I was just surprised! It's not a bad thing! I'm sure your b... boyfriend is a great guy!"

"Surprised..." Gokudera glances to the side and hums thoughtfully. "He's more than my boyfriend, but he's also as smart as a cinder block."

"As smart as a cider block. Why would he say something like that about his lov-" Haru muses softly to himself and then his eyes widen once more. "Your boyfriend is Master Yamamoto?!"

"Jesus Christ. Quit calling him my boyfriend." Gokudera groans and rolls his eyes.

"But you just called him that!" Haru is still reeling from the shock. Gokudera and Yamamoto? He never would have seen that one coming.

"No. I just said it wasn't a girl! Yamamoto is my something! Ah.. we're... He's my..." Gokudera bit his lip and looked down, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Your lover?" The long-haired boy asks curiously. Haru doesn't think he's ever seen the bomber look so uncertain before.

"Yes... but." Gokudera wants to say that Yamamoto is so much more but that doesn't sound anything but cheesy. He peeks up through his silver fringe at Haru, wondering how much this will change things. Haru's probably going to think he's a sap now if he says it, right?

His face grows warm when he realizes that means the two boys must have had sex, but at the same time it makes him happy to know that his friend has someone to love him and someone other than Tsuna to love. "But what?" He asks gently.

"Mn." It's too embarrassing. He lowers his face for a moment. "This shouldn't change anything." He glances back up and it seems like all the daggers his eyes send are very dull.

“There's nothing to be ashamed of, Gokudera. I'm happy you've found someone to love." Warm feelings encouraging him, Haru places a gentle hand on the other boy's shoulder.

Gokudera looks up, "Yeah..." It isn't like him to say nice things about people except the Tenth, but he feels comfortable saying things like this when only this boy is around. "He's great." He feels a smile tug at the corner of his mouth.

Haru matches Gokudera's smile and nods in agreement. "He really is. He's been teaching me quite a bit."

"I really love him." Gokudera said, sighing gently. He paid little attention to the hand on his shoulder. "The Tenth is a wonderful person. I'm sure this is for the best."

Blinking at the switch of topics, Haru lowers his hand and frowns. "You... love Master Yamamoto or Tsuna? Or both? And what do you mean 'for the best'?" The last bit really stings the earthbender’s raw feelings.

"I love my idiot. I respect the Tenth, and will do anything he asks of me." Gokudera says. "If the Tenth doesn't return your feelings, than it is good he's let you go. You'll find someone else."

Haru sighs, suddenly feeling every brutal second of the last day of training. "Someone else. Right."

"If you guys were meant to be, then you can make it through this. If you're weaker than I though, you won't." Gokudera says.

Anger gritting his teeth, Haru glares at the shorter boy. "I'm not weak."

"Then you'll be fine." Gokudera said. He dismisses Haru's glare because when the kid is upset, he tends to be more serious.

He takes a deep breath. "Tell me about the new girls."

"What? The new girls?" Gokudera asks, confused. It takes him a moment to remember, "Oh. Sasagawa-san and the other one... Mmmm what do you want to know about them?"

Haru sits down hard on a log and stares at the silver-haired boy. "Everything."

"The younger one with the brown hair is Haru-san. She's very annoying and she goes to a special girls school. Her father is a math professor from a University, and she has some stupid fantasy in her head that she'll marry the Tenth one day." Gokudera scowls and crosses his arms. "She also dresses up like an idiot all the goddamn time."

The earthbender files that information away. "Does Tsuna like her?"

",,, He tolerates her," Gokudera says and drops his cigarette in the fire before pulling out a new one.

"And the other girl?" Haru feels a little apprehension but knows that he needs to hear what Gokudera can tell him.

"She's nice and she's Lawn Head's little sister." Gokudera doesn't know Kyoko very well. "Lawn Head... Ryohei, is Tenth's Sun Guardian."

"Ok." He decides to leave a discussion on the guardians for another time. "Does she um... like Tsuna too? Do they... see each other?"

"No," Gokudera says. "But the Tenth does seem to like her a lot. She seems a little clueless... smiles a lot." He smiles too, almost envious of the attention that Kyoko earned and her attractive features.

"So she doesn't know he likes her?" He wonders how anyone could be that oblivious. Tsuna was painfully adorable when his emotions were running high.

"I don't know." Gokudera shrugs. "But she seems friendly enough even if she can." He remembers hearing her giggling at his boss even with him saying very little. She seemed to like it when they were all together.

He stands again and rolls his neck and shoulders, trying to loosen tension brought on by heavy training and too much stress. "Thanks. She sounds... nice." The earthbender looks at Gokudera and smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. "I should get back to training now. Thanks for breakfast", he says, tiredly.

"If you'll be here for longer, I could help you train. Most of my weapons are projectiles." Gokudera says.

"I can ask Fujiko for another day maybe." As much as he wants to be alone, the thought of having someone there with him who might understand is tempting.

"I'll take the blame. How did you get here, anyways?" He glances around as though a dinghy will show up.

"I and a few others were on the other part of the island exploring. They took my things back with them and left me here. I have my machine though so I can talk to Fujiko." He gestures with his thumb to the small pack on his back.

"Tell her I'm making you stay then." Gokudera says. He'd swore to himself not to have contact with his crew or any other, so he'd left his laptop on the ship and only taken his cell. Of course, he has everyone's numbers, but he rarely uses the phone anymore except for the Tenth. He has him on speed dial.

"Alright." He drags the pack from behind him and pulls out the machine that keeps him connected with everyone. Sitting down again he sends Fujiko a message in a reply.

"If she has a problem with it, she can be my targ- help me practice next time." Gokudera says with a small smile on his face.

Haru laughs. "So when do you want to start?"

"Whenever you'd like. I won't be using Uri because he's pretty worn out. Come on." He's already impatient and has his flame glowing on his finger.

Glancing at the storm guardian's hand Haru nods. "Ok, I just want to see what she's going to say.”

Gokudera crosses his arms, "Give her an hour. It'll probably be a paragraph." He says, tapping his foot on the ground beneath him.

It feels good to have something to laugh about. Something he can share with someone. "Yes, probably."

"Does she pull that shit with you too?" Gokudera asks, hoping he isn't the only one.

"Long paragraphs fussing at me? Sometimes." Haru grimaces remembering her odd post from a few days ago. "She told everyone I was dumped."

"She does kind of have a big mouth." Gokudera says and he looks sympathetic. He remembers telling Fujiko about his past, about his father and his sister... She's never told anyone, he thinks. He hopes she never does.

"Well I don't think Tsuna saw it... I hope. I think it would upset him. He was... he seemed pretty messed up when we talked." Haru frowns and worries about the Vongola captain. He didn't want him hurt.

I'm sure if Tenth had a problem, he could tell Fujiko-san to refrain from mentioning it. If she refuses, I could take care of it." Gokudera says.

"Yeah. Alright, let's train. I'll check for her reply later." He puts away the small machine and stands.

"Awesome." Gokudera punches a box at his belt and the skull cannon he's used many times before appears on his arm, empty and ready.

Staring at the odd skull shaped glove on Gokudera's arm, Haru takes a few steps back. "Should be move to a clearer space?"

"But a space with more obstacles is more challenging." Gokudera says as he loads a stick of dynamite into the cannon.

"I guess..." The earthbender isn't used to fighting in such a confined area and it makes him a little nervous. He strips off his shirt and tosses it over the pack on the ground. "Ready when you are." He drops into a stance and keeps his eyes steady on his opponent.

Gokudera wonders if he should have started with something simple. Oh well. He aims at Haru. The skull's mouth falls open and there is a slight glowing from within. "I won't let you win so easily." And he fires an amazingly powerful blast, a sheer concentrated burst from the stick of dynamite he loaded into the cannon.

Eyes wide, Haru crouches low and then stands, bringing his arms up sharply, pulling a large wall of rock up to shield him.

The blast eats away but fails to destroy the wall. Damn, he thinks Should have let it charge longer. He loads in another cartridge and in the meantime, throws a few bombs to break down the wall. A few smoke bombs fall and he quickly backsteps and turns before running for some more cover, leaving Haru, a mass of explosions, and the crackling of his campfire behind him.

His defense crumbling around him, the earthbender draws back both arms to his sides, bending his elbows and then swiftly extends them, punching outward and sending the debris hurtling towards the fleeing bomber

He's behind a tree and ducks, thinking he should take a few shields out, but he doesn't want to call attention to himself when he's trying to hide somewhere to ambush Haru with his next attack. Gokudera stills when the debris is done and he can feel his heart hammer in his chest. The boy wishes he could will it quiet, but he hasn't had a real fight with his box weapons in such a long time, it makes him excited.

Haru loses sight of Gokudera once the dust clears and lacking Toph's ability to see people with her connection to the earth, he has no choice but to venture forth in search of the storm guardian. "Are you alright?" He calls out hoping to get a clue of where the other boy is.

Gokudera is quiet. He would be pulling the same maneuver even if he had been injured by the flying debris. He has his cannon aimed a little lower than normal because he doesn't want to kill the boy. He waits for just the right moment, stilling his breath and narrowing his eyes. Through his contacts, he can measure the wind-speed, and it's nice to know it won't influence the shot.

Not wanting to go forward unarmed, Haru stomps his foot twice and raises two nice sized boulders. Cautiously, walks towards the small cove of trees ahead of him.

Gokudera thinks next time he might try climbing a tree. He feels his frown deepen as he lies in wait, hoping that Haru will walk toward him and keep the boulders at his sides so that the blast will be a perfect shot. Come on... just a little further, dirt boy...

Haru knows he's walking into a trap but he really has no choice. He tries to listen for noise that will help him find his adversary. Waiting a moment before taking a few more steps.

Unlike many mafioso, Gokudera lacks a true killing instinct. It is the softness in his heart that holds him back and throws off his aim when he shoots, and the blast is aimed between one boulder and Haru's left side. It's far more powerful than the last since it has been charging longer, and he hopes against hope Haru cannot make a stronger barrier. If he can, then maybe he's learning something...

With just seconds to react to the attack, Haru is thrown back and draws a quick rock cover around him. The armament isn't sufficient to protect him completely and he cries out when small shards of rock batter his chest. Gasping, he pounds both fists against the ground and sends a wave of earth rippling towards Gokudera, hoping to buy himself some time to regroup.

When Haru is thrown back, Gokudera gets up to find a new spot. However, the rippling causes him to lose his balance and he falls unceremoniously onto his side, letting out a loud grunt and loading in a new cartridge, this one a different color. His eyes scan the area and he pushes himself with one arm, "Get up." He says, right hand on the top of the cannon.

A far more stoic expression on his face, Haru makes his way to his feet. He knows that he has no choice now but to go on the offensive if he hopes to win this battle. Stepping forward he jumps up and lands hard, a large boulder ripped from the ground before him. He quickly kicks the rock in Gokudera's direction, already preparing another one for attack.

Gokudera leaps to the side to avoid the collision, punching several boxes at his belt. Bones fall around him and form large shields that levitate into the air. He coughs and gets up, wiping a bit of dirt from his brow.

Haru is already sending another boulder at the bomber but stops before raising another when he sees the strange floating shields. What are they?!

Gokudera crosses his arms and his shields rush forward to take the blow. He has everything save for Uri and his flying disc out, and after training non-stop for the past couple days, he's already feeling drained.

Spreading his feet, Haru raises his arms slowly into the air first with hands in fists and then opening them and straightening his outstretched fingers with sharp careful movements. The ground in front of Gokudera erupts with large jagged, angled, towers of stone that jut up and slam into the shields.

The shields are forced back and he lets out a shocked cry, wondering what Haru can't do with the ground around him. They spin around, covering him from every angle except above him. His steps are careful. Maybe climbing a tree would be a good idea.

Haru stands there watching the rotating shields. He's panting with exertion but knows this fight is far from over. He can't give up now. Hoping to trip Gokudera up, he firmly taps his heel against the ground raising small shafts of rock directly under the other boy's feet. It's a small move but will help him buy time to recover.

Gokudera lets out another shocked cry and loses his balance, his shields sink down around him as he sits up, "Tch..." He isn't sure what to say. He knows he's underestimated his opponent once more. The silver haired boy punches another box and a large disk floats parallel to the ground. He steps onto it and loads ammunition into his arm cannon. "Like to see you try the same cheap shot twice!" He taunts.

With the other boy now hovering in the air, Haru is forced to come up with a different tactic. "Don't worry. You won't. But being off the ground doesn't mean I can't hit you!" As he yells those words, he begins running towards Gokudera, jumping in the air and twisting his body until he can dig his, now spear shaped, hand into the earth sending sharp rocks hurling at his opponent.

"You forget that I'm not without defense!" He yells and his shields block the attack. The cartridge he's loaded is made with cloud flames, so he knows that a rapidly dividing blast will be both difficult to block or form one barrier against. I've got you now. He narrows his eyes and aims the shot, sending a single narrow beam towards the earthbender.

Rolling to his feet after his attack, the earthbender can't avoid the shot and is hit hard in the shoulder, sending him flying. His body forms a long gouge in the soil as he comes to a stop. There is no movement to be seen from him.

"Hn." He grins and lowers his cannon, watching Haru through the clearing dust. The disk lowers and he uses it to glide over the forest floor towards his fallen opponent. "Get up, kid."

Haru lifts his lashes just enough to see the boy floating above him,  high ridges of upturned earth framing him. He lays still and says nothing. Just a little further...

Gokudera leans forward slightly and one shield shifts away from his front to meet the others around him. "Haru." He says, a heavy frown on his face. He's never used his flames against someone else while training and now he's regretting it. Haru may be an "enemy" in his book, but the Tenth trusts him, so he needs to stay alive.

It's difficult to stay still hearing Gokudera say his name like that, the barest hint of worry underlining it, but there is no other option if he wants to end this. His body is in agony and he knows he only has one move left to play.

"Jesus." It's a breath and the disk lowers. Using it to keep his weight up, and monitoring his Systema C.A.I. has already taken a dangerous amount of energy from him. As he steps down from the lightning disk and it vanishes, he quickly approaches Haru to check for any severe damage.

"I'm sorry." Haru whispers as he feels the boy approaching. A split second later he's twisting his feet in the dirt causing the earth beneath Gokudera to loosen and suck his legs down into the ground. A moment after that he slaps his palms together, causing an avalanche of rock and soil to rise up and collapse over top of the bomber. He doesn't wait to see what happens before falling back and closing his eyes.

Gokudera's sharp eyes can see Haru's lips move and he thinks it might be some kind of response. Shit he thinks and tries to run forward when his opponent starts to move. "Wh- What the hell?!" He tried to pull his legs up but it's like the ground is water beneath him, it moves so smoothly and he's falling. "Shit!" He pushes a stick of dynamite in his arm cannon and tries to aim it as Haru moves his hands. There is a rumbling around him as the earth shifts and the ground pushes him down, rendering his attack, his vision, and all movement useless. Everything goes black and he holds his breath, trying not to panic despite the fact that he keeps thinking Oh god this kid is going to leave me here to die. I. AM. SO. FUCKED.

...there's no sound. Haru's mind is foggy and he's trying to concentrate but he still can't hear even the slightest noise coming from the tall mound of dirt where the storm guardian once stood. Summoning the last of his strength, he slams his closed fists against the ground on either side of him and the soil falls away to reveal his friend. "Go... Gokudera?" He calls hoarsely.

He's bent forward and drawing full deep breaths, panic still making his heart flutter about rapidly. There is a large amount of relief that fills him when he realizes that he'll live to see his boss again, and he turns his head to look at Haru. "Fuckin.. cheater." The Storm Guardian says.

"All's... fair...", he gasps out, weakly stomping his foot against the ground. The other boy is pushed halfway up out of the soil and another weak stomp frees him completely. "I... win."

"I didn't play dead, dumbfuck. You pull that again and I really WILL kill you." Gokudera says and when he's pushed out of the ground, he falls onto his behind to sit in front of the earthbender.

"I... still won." Haru sighs and smiles faintly, lying back in the dirt and just trying to breathe

"As if! Look at you! You can't even form a decent goddamn sentence!" Gokudera crawls to Haru's side to inspect him closer. He can see it now... The Tenth is yelling at him because Gokudera has killed his ex. It was some big misunderstanding where Gokudera apparently thinks that Haru broke the boss' heart. Gokudera grits his teeth as he searches for any blood. He doesn't want to shift the guy if he's suffered massive trauma.

"What... are you doing?" He looks at Gokudera in faint surprise.

"It's called 'covering your ass'", Gokudera says as his hands- careful and soft- brush over Haru. "Sit up."

Haru closes his eyes. "Five more minutes, mom."

Gokudera punches his shoulder. Hard. "Sit the fuck up."

"Owww..." Haru whines and sits up slowly, the humor fading from his face with every movement. "Just give me a little bit and we can start again."

"No." Gokudera says as he helps Haru sit up, placing a hand on his back between his shoulder blades. The cannon on his left arm has returned to its box to free his other hand to inspect the earthbender for serious injuries. He isn't an expert, but he figures that if something hurts enough, and Haru can't really sit, then it's enough for one day.

"I'm not weak..." Grunting, he pushes himself up to his knees, just to topple over and barely catch himself with his hands. "I just need a... minute."

"I didn't say that." Gokudera looks down at his rings, and there's a bright static that jumps from one skull. He pushes the ring into his box and his lightning disk jumps out beside him. "We're going back to camp. Get on." He orders.

Haru takes one look at the floating disk and one look at Gokudera. "No. I'll walk."

"Oh swallow your fucking pride and just... get on the damn thing! It's not going to kill you." Gokudera says, hunching his shoulders in anger. It's already taken another chunk of his energy to have summoned the disk, let alone keep it out.

"....how will I stay on it? It's not very big..." He gives another dubious glance towards the disk.

"Sit down and let me take care of the rest." Gokudera says and motions to it before pushing himself up to stand with a grunt.

"I guess I have no choice." Haru's muscles feel like butter and despite his bold words he isn't sure he could stand up straight let alone walk.

"So useless." Gokudera walks close to him and puts one of Haru's arms over his shoulders. He wraps his own around the taller boy's back and helps him stand. "Better?" He asks, sounding thoroughly annoyed.

"I knew you cared", he says on a pained gasp as his burned shoulder is jostled by the movement. "Gods, you're short." Haru looks down at the other boy who is now supporting a good deal of his weight. "Strong though."

Gokudera rolls his eyes, "Shut up." He says and the disk before them moves around to hit the back of Haru's knees. "And sit down."

The push of the disk on his legs causes them to bend automatically and he sits down with a thump on the flying machine. "I'm sitting. Now what?"

"We go back." Gokudera says and the disk floats behind him as he walks back, his pace slow and steady.

"It's not fair that you aren't as hurt as I am...." Haru is tired and everything is beginning to annoy him.

"Shut up..." He's panting now and running out of breath from just plain walking. The Storm Guardian takes out a cigarette and clumsily lights it.

"You shouldn't smoke those." He says shortly, using a sharp finger movement to send a pebble flying, knocking the cigarette out of the other boy's mouth.

Gokudera stops and so too does the disk behind him. His eye twitches and his hands clench into fists as he turns his head slowly to look over his shoulder. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yells and his face is taking on a warm tint from his anger.

Haru stares at him "What?"

"I was smoking that!" He growls and advances on the weakened boy.

"And now you aren't. It's bad for you." He doesn't want another fight but he's too irritated to be nice right now.

"Do you know how fucking hard it is for me to get smokes out here in the middle of bumbfuck NOWHERE?!" He yells, beyond livid.

"No. Don't really care either." Tired of the argument and wanting to crawl somewhere and die for a few days, Haru plays his trump card. "Tsuna wouldn't want you risking your health like that and you know it."

Gokudera blinks and lowers his fists. "God damn it, you piss me off." He says and turns back around, tired of explaining to everyone the reason why he smokes. He hates to think that the Tenth disapproves, but he's never said anything against his habit before. The entire way back to camp, Gokudera doesn't so much as utter a sound or move off the path.

"Love you too." Haru mutters, holding back a smile. If nothing else he knows Gokudera loves Tsuna more than anything in the world. His or this one.

The words clip at him and annoy him further. He can't hear the cheer in Haru's voice as his mind stays focused on what the Tenth thinks about his smoking habits. Worry pulls at him and when they get back to the camp, the disk lowers to the ground and vanishes with a buzz and a flicker. Gokudera sits down before his dwindling fire and heaves a heavy sigh.

"You alright?" The way the boy is sitting worries Haru. He hopes that Gokudera isn't seriously hurt.

"M'fine." He groans and watches the embers glow before him. The island is warm enough and he doesn't need the fire, but it reminds him of his boss so it gives him strength.

Using his bending to support him, Haru crawls over to the other boy. He comes up on his knees and puts a hand on Gokudera's shoulder. "You don't sound fine."

Gokudera scoots away from him, "None of your business." He says and wants another cigarette. That reminds him of just a few minutes ago when Haru put his second to the last one out, and he isn't even through the week yet. Oh joy.

Haru's thighs are trembling with the effort of staying upright, but he shifts closer to the other boy once more. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It's just... you're my friend and it made me mad for you to be hurting yourself like that. I've asked around and those sticks are bad."

"Yeah. They are. I'm not an idiot." Gokudera grumbles. There's plenty of room for Haru to sit beside him, but he's not going to invite him.

Legs collapsing under him, Haru sits down hard in the space next to the volatile teen. "I never said you were." He sighs. "I don't want to fight with you, Gokudera", he says tiredly with a little bit of sadness behind it.

"Then don't assume shit." Gokudera says, rubbing his temples. "I know what I'm doing, and as far as smokes go, that's the least of my worries." He's tired and even if Haru doesn't want to fight, Gokudera can argue anywhere, any time, with anyone.

"You never let up, do you?" Haru yawned and rubbed his eyes, sliding down so he was lying on his side by the fire. The glow of the meager blaze looks almost surreal to his exhaustion glazed eyes and for a moment he sees Tsuna standing before him, dying will lighting his eyes with flame before he presses his warm lips against Haru's. "Tsuna..." The name slurring as he sinks into the darkness of sleep.

The fire cracks loudly and a log falls into the embers. Gokudera can't hear what Haru says after he's moved away, and he doesn't care. Even if everyone else gets hurt, he only cares about his boss' happiness. Yamamoto is helping him open up to more people, because it helps the Tenth, so does that mean he should continue to smile down on everyone. Gokudera looks down at Haru and feels a spike of sympathy and jealousy. Haru confessed feelings Gokudera had always had, and he respected him for it, but there was pain in the older boy's face that Gokudera was scared of. Being rejected by the Tenth was his worst nightmare. It always had been, and it always would be. "Sorry, kid." He whispers as he looks down softly at the earthbender.

!mallowmateys, !ooc log, [character] haru

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