Ooc: Staying up at night

Aug 17, 2009 20:17


Tsuna sits in the lounge of the Vongola, brow furrowed slightly in contemplation. He cradles a steaming cup of tea, blowing steam from it idly.

Gokudera’s staying up late since Yamamoto has his own bedroom. He spends most of the night prowling the hallways and he’s passed by the lounge for the third time that night when he realizes that it is no longer empty. He stops in the hallway to watch the figure. His senses have heightened from the stillness of the ship. Blue light is slowly taking over the darkness and makes the lone figure appear more melancholy than calm, so he approaches with caution. It’s the hair -always the hair- that gives away the figure’s identity. “…Boss?” The silver-haired boy steps into the cool room with a concerned look on his face.

He nearly drops his cup in surprise, “G-Gokudera-kun!?” Why is he up so early?! The brunette sets the cup down carefully (more to avoid burning himself than causing a clatter), and turns to face his Storm Guardian.

“Morning!” Gokudera bows as he approaches the armless white sofa. He stops short of it to speak, “May I join you, Tenth?” He’s smiling warmly. After all, it isn’t very often he has company at 4:30 am, let alone the boss!

“Oh! S-Sure!” He scoots to the side, even though there is plenty of room on either side of him for Gokudera. “Morning~!” Tsuna says in a hushed tone as the silver-haired boy nears him.

Gokudera sits beside Tsuna, not close enough so they’re touching, but not too far away either. “Is something wrong, Tenth?” He asks. “I don’t see boss up this early very often.” The boy looks at the tea and already knows that Tsuna cannot sleep. He’s still in his night clothes so he can’t be getting up early for something important. Reborn isn’t anywhere… he thinks. He’s never too sure since Reborn is a master at disguising himself. If the boss’ tutor isn’t involved, then this must be something personal.

His stomach churns a little as the Don is reminded of his nerves. “Nothing’s really… wrong… I just have a lot on my mind.” It wasn’t so much his mind, but phantom touches that provoked conflicting emotions. He smiled nervously at the teen beside him, as if to reassure him that he’s not upset.

Gokudera focuses all his attention on the smaller boy as he speaks. He nods in understanding once he is sure his boss has stopped. He doesn’t look beside himself with worry, but gently inquisitive. “Hmm.” The boss looks thoughtful and somehow he doubts it’s over something good. He doesn’t want to pry, so he smiled gently and waits.

He wants to share what’s on his mind, but he doesn’t want to worry Gokudera. He knows his friend won’t judge him -hell, he doubts the guy would even disagree with him- so it’s really more a matter of figuring out how to word his thoughts.

Tsuna looks from his friend to his cup of tea and then back up to his friend again. He sighs in defeat.

“Gokudera-kun, I-I met someone. S-Someone at the party.” He starts nervously.

Gokudera’s smile widens when Tsuna continues, happy to be confided in by someone he considers so important. “Oh?” His smile falters. This ‘someone’ is causing the Tenth to lose sleep? A strong distaste is bubbling in his chest but he suppresses it. “Who, Tenth?”

Tsuna blushes and shifts in his seat. He gives a small nod and smiles bashfully at his Storm Guardian. “H-Haru.” Tsuna furrows his brow, concerned by how his company will react. Gokudera is always passionate about things -especially concerning him- and he just hopes it isn’t negative. The worry is very evident on the Don’s boyish face, but there’s a look in his eyes that suggests something deeper.

The silver-haired teen recoils visibly at the name. He is reminded of what Yamamoto had told him. Gokudera is immediately at Tsuna’s feet, bowing with such speed and force that his head crashes against the floor beneath him. “I’m so sorry Tenth! -Go-Gokude- I’m the one who allowed Haru to escape and I should have knocked him -Hey, Gokuder- unconscious but Miranda-san stepped in and I didn’t want anyone to get hurt and then Yamamoto told me -Gokudera-kun!- he didn’t treat you will and it’s all my fault, Tenth! I’M SO SORRY! I don’t deserve to be your right hand!!”

The brunette flinches and stares, wide-eyed at the teen at his feet. After his many failed attempts at cutting off his friend’s ranting, Tsuna rolls his eyes. “T-Treat me well?! Gokudera-kun-“ The smaller teen drags the palms of his hands over his face and rubs the heels into his weary eyes. “-Please, sit down. W-What did Yamamoto tell you?”

Gokudera stops slamming his head on the floor but does not join his boss on the couch. He hangs his head in shame. “That Haru tried to do stuff to the Tenth that you didn’t want.” As his lifts his face, the middle of his forehead is bright red and his eye are shimmering. “I’m so sorry Tenth. It’s all my fault! If I hadn’t let him walk away, none of this would have happened and I’M SO SORRY.” The boy looks ready to continue the assault on his forehead.

“Aughh-!” Tsuna pouts at the silver-haired boy. “It’s not your fault, Gokudera-kun.” He sighs. “I can handle myself.” ‘Not that Yamamoto and Fay-san’s help wasn’t appreciated.’ “H-Haru was very nice to me…” The brunette is blushing again and avoids looking at the bomber. “I-I-I just…” Why do none of these couches have pillows he can scream into?!

“I know the Tenth can handle it, but you shouldn’t have had to fi- he was nice to you?” Gokudera frowns and sits on his heels from his place on the floor. He looks down thoughtfully for a moment. “It was some trick, Tenth. That guy is not trustworthy.”

Tsuna looks hurt… “A-A trick?” He had been a little tipsy that night, but he refuses to believe it. “H-Haru was very nice to me… He-He…” The brunette gulps and shakes his head. “I-I-I didn’t believe anything he told me and then he-“ Tsuna touches his lips and his features soften. “H-He kissed me…”

Gokudera nods to his boss, looking up at him with earnest green eyes. When Tsuna finishes, Gokudera is glaring. “I’ve failed you, Tenth.”

“I-I don’t believe it.” Tsuna closes his eyes and shakes his head. “I-If it was a trick, I-I don’t think he got anything from it! H-He made me h-happy until…” He lets his sentence trail off as he eyes the teen in front of him with disbelief. “Y-You didn’t fail me! What are you talking about!?!” Tsuna squeaks.

“I vowed to protect the Tenth’s first kiss and that bastard stole it!!” Gokudera says, green eyes ablaze. He notices that his boss has cut himself off, “Until what, Tenth?” The boy asks, concern suddenly replacing anger.

“…” The mousy teen pouts at Gokudera. “H-He didn’t really steal it.” He pokes his fingers together. “I-I didn’t refuse… I actually enjoyed it…” Tsuna’s face is bright red as he admits this. “W-Well… it was nice… B-But H-Haru wanted more.” Tsuna felt so ashamed at being so easily overwhelmed.

Gokudera stands up suddenly and his eyes are cast in shadow. He slowly approaches the couch and places his right fist against his left palm.

“I-I had to r-r-refuse him! I just- I wasn’t ready a-and he was s-so nice b-bu-but I couldn’t-!” Tsuna isn’t sure if he’s sticking up for Haru, but he feels weak, naïve, pathetic and he still doesn’t know how to act. He can only look up at his silver-haired friend in fear.

Gokudera falls into his seat beside Tsuna, raising his hands to his mouth to bite at a knuckle. “Tenth.” He sighs. “You don’t have to do something like that if you aren’t ready.” He’s frowning deeply at the thought of Haru kissing his boss. It makes him feel sick. “I-I don’t trust him. I’m sure he only tried something like that because Tenth was kind to him, but…” He falls silent, discomfort evident on his pale face.

“B-B-But I was so pathetic-!” Tsuna buries his face in his hands, groaning and shaking his head. He knows Gokudera doesn’t trust Haru; Gokudera didn’t really seem to trust anyone. ‘Are you trying to say he was taking advantage of me!? “But?” The brunette is so confused, but relieved his friend doesn’t look murderous anymore.

“Tenth is not pathetic.” Gokudera says. “He is a merciful, warm person.” He smiles at his boss. “But I don’t believe he had pure motives. It was not wrong of you to want him to stop.” He glances at his boss from behind his knuckles and the smile melts into something warm and sincere.

“W-Well… he didn’t get far…” Tsuna’s blush gives away the fact that he’s hiding something, but he doesn’t want to concern Gokudera. “I-I like him, Gokudera-kun. I just don’t know how he feels. I-I haven’t talked to him since that night.” The brunette just hopes Haru doesn’t hate him. “Next time I see him, I’ll be more careful. Thank you, Gokudera-kun.” He returns the smile.

“I would give him time to cool off, Tenth” Gokudera says. Like a week. “He needs to think about what he’s done and get his… priorities straight.” Filthy fucking sleazebag getting close to the Tenth. He hopes Haru rots alone in his room on the submarine. “You’re too good for someone like him.” Gokudera nods at Tsuna, head lowered respectfully.

Tsuna can tell that Gokudera is just trying to look out for him. It makes Tsuna happy to know that someone cares, but Gokudera always cares. “Okay.” Tsuna nods in return and reaches for his tea, which is now cold. Great. “Thank you for talking to me. I really needed to get that out of my system!” The brunette sighs and stands up.

“Of course, Tenth! Anything to help!” He smiles, watching his boss with a worried glint in his eyes. “If there is anything else bothering you, you can tell me.” Gokudera falls silent.

Tsuna stops short and glances over his shoulder, “Oh and Gokudera-kun?”

Gokudera perks up, “Yes boss?”

“Please… d-don’t kill Haru.” He smiles. Yeah that might be a little much to ask for, but if he throws it out there, Gokudera can’t say Tsuna didn’t tell him. The brunette looks out the window at the sunrise and yawns. Maybe Reborn will let him sleep in! … Probably not.

Gokudera places a cigarette between his lips and smiles, “If the Tenth says so…” He takes a long drag. “I hope I was helpful, Tenth!” The boy’s eyes shut with the force of his grin.

The size of the other boy’s grin scares Tsuna a little and he begins to back away towards the elevator. “Hehe, y-yes you were.” The brunette laughs nervously.

Gokudera’s smile softens as he stifles a yawn. “Sleep well, Tenth!” He watches his boss leave, wondering about him. He’d always assumed that his boss liked girls. Why was he making an exception for that bastard, Haru?! The silver-haired teen begins making a mental list of ways to protect his boss' virginity from the troublesome earthbender.

“Goodnight!” Tsuna squeaks and waves. Hopefully he won’t have to take a cold shower later. The brunette turns around just in time to miss the glint in Gokudera’s eye.

[character] tsuna, !mallowmateys, !ooc log

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