I share this here I want to remember that the world is even more complex than we can conceptualize. I love that the truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction comes from the ideas and categories we already have; truth comes from an analysis of reality, and what we find there often forces us to re-work our categories of understanding.
The bible mentions this idea of generational curses in several places (Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9) These strike many as "unfair that a mean God would do this to his poor innocent people." And yet, we find through science that it is indeed true that more than simple genes are passed from generation to generation.
The bible mentions in many places this idea that there are unseen forces that have a hand in how things happen in the observable world. The biblical worldview personifies these as as demons.
The bible even uses expressions such as "bowels of mercy" when something is felt so strongly, it is in your gut (not just in your head). Science is showing there actually is a gut-brain connection. I think we are quick to dismiss the biblical worldview because it seems so ancient and antiquated. We naively believe that only science can tell us what is true.
In biblical stories we see the wisdom from experience of thousands of generations of people trying to understand the world in which they found themselves; wisdom our human ancestors thought important enough to pass down from generation to generation. Perhaps we ought not be so quick to dismiss it. Perhaps it is pointing to the same truth that science points to; but using a different framework; a different language. But just as valid when interpreted in the right spirit.