(no subject)

Jan 31, 2003 23:03

Well. Here's how tonight went.

Me: *extatically happy*
Rachel: Hey Alicia, do you think your mom could give you a ride home?
Me: I don't know..
Rachel: Because it's going to be kinda crowded with everyone in the car, and our stuff.
Me: *shrugs* *silent*
Nick: *waves*
Me: *stares at wall behind Nick's head*
Nick: Oh. Her eyes are closed.
Me: *You fucking dumbass, they are not. Says nothing*
Me: *continues staring* *listens to JR* Hey.. Tiny's in my math class.
JR: *holds conversation with Alicia for all of 5 seconds.*
Me: Oops, I'm not supposed to be talking. *goes back to staring at spot behind Nick's head*
Nick: *waves again*
Me: *flips Nick off*
Nick: *sobers up and stops grinning like a fucking idiot*
Me: *sighs, curls up in bus seat*
Nick/Melinda/Racehl: *talk about things that I'm not listening to*
Nick: *talks to someone about staring at objects for long periods of time, as I've been doing for the past half hour or so*
Me: *pulls hair, starts to cry*
Melinda: Hey.. we're going to IHOP, you going to come?
Me: *continues to pull hair, shrugs*
Everyone: *gets off bus*
Me: *stands there for 5 minutes, being left behind by JR who was supposed to give me a ride home*
Me: *walks away from everyone else, pissed and alone*
Melinda: Hey, chick.. the cars over there.
Me: *stares*
Melinda: You coming with us?
Me: *walks to car, gets in, talks behind Nick's back, feels bad and pissed at Rachel*
Everyone: *talks, Alicia & Rachel start arguing lightly*
Me: *gets out of car at house, walks in, talks to mom for minute or two.. changes, changes feminine things, gets on computer, does unhappy dance*


It's not the fact that she asked if my mom could pick me up. It's the fact that she knew she couldn't, and that I had already told my mom I was getting a ride with her.
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