Didn't Keanu do enough damage? - Nije li Keanu učinio dosta štete?

Jan 28, 2008 22:32

Today's one of those days when nothing goes as planned. Not only it didn't go as planned, it turned into that kind of a day which the Gray's Anatomy screenplay writers would call McCrappy. I had my first exam today, and despite it being one of the easiest ever, I have a feeling I managed to screw it up. But that's not the problem. The problem is the tragic news I've found out today. Anybody ever heard of Neuromancer? Teh Neuromancer? (if you haven't, you better stay quiet or I'll go into a frenzy; and while you're at it, google it, search the wikipedia and go borrow it in your library for a quick read). Well, hardcore Gibson-fans were waiting for the Neuromancer movie for years now. Case the data-jockey on the big screen! Hell yeah!




Well, not exactly. Not when he's being played by Hayden Screwup Christensen! Well, also, not when he's Cage, not Case. Cage!? I mean wtf? Why, why, why? Tis destiny, that SF movies are made out of crappy books, and once in a decade when they choose a good book, they make it in a crappy movie. Keanu screwed up Johnny Mnemonic, and the posh Darth Vader will ruin the masterpiece of Neuromancer. The best thing would be that actors like Keanu Reeves and Hayden Christensen and their ilk change career for the world of high fashion. Working as underwear models. That way, the fangirls would be happy, and they would be kept out of the film art...and maybe wouldn't ruin anymore potentially good movies.



Danas je jedan od onih dana kada ništa ne ide kako treba. Ne samo da nije ništa išlo kako treba, pretvorio se u onu vrstu dana koji bi scenaristi Uvoda u anatomiju nazvali McCrappy dan. Imao sam prvi ispit danas, i unatoč tome što je bio jedan od lakših, imam osjećaj da sam ag uspio zeznuti. Ali to nije problem. Problem su tragične vijesti koje sam saznao danas. Da li ste ikada čuli za Neuromancera? (ako niste, ostanite tiho ili ću poluditi, ili još bolje, odite do svoje knjižnice i brzo ga pročitajte!) Pa, okorjeli fanovi Gibsonova lika i djela su čekali na taj film godinama. Case, data džokej na velikom platnu!




Pa, i ne baš. Ne kada ga glumi Hayden Seronja Christensen. Isto tako, ne kada je on Cage, a ne Case!? Mislim, wtf? Zašto, zašto, zašto? To je sudba, da se SF filmovi moraju snimati po lošim knjigama, i jednom u desetljeću kada odaberu dobro knjigu po kojoj bi snimili film, naprave užasan film. Keanu je uništio Johnnya Mnemonica, a posh Darth Vader će uništiti remekdjelo zvano Neuromancer. Najbolje bi bilo da glumci poput Haydena i Keanua zamjene svoje karijere za one u svijetu visoke mode. Da rade kao modeli za donje rublje. Na taj način bi maloljetne obožavateljice bile sretne, a njih dvojca ne bi više uništavali potencijalno dobre filmove.


art, literature, movies

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