Mrzim Facebook. Da, to se pretvorilo od običnog intelektualnog snobizma u pravu iracionalnu, jaku, žarku, strastvenu - mržnju. Twitter mi se ne sviđa. Nekako je beskoristan. Tu i tamo volim pročitati Nerove tweetove ali to je to. Social networking za sad - potpuni failure po meni. Da, razumijem da ovo nije nužno najbolje objašnjenje i nuđenje argumentacije zašto ali:
jednostavno ne volim Facebook.
Ali volim Sad, nema baš mnogo sličnosti između ova dva servisa, iako u drugu ruku ima. je tvoje malo mjesto na Internetu za slušanje muzike. Bilježi (scrobbla) sve što slušaš, to razvrstava prema izvođaču, albumu, žanru i vremenu slušanja. Nudi ti statistiku koliko što slušaš i da ju uspoređuješ s drugim korisnicima last.fma. S druge strane, daje ti informacije o izvođačima i pjesmama koje bi inače tražio na drugim mjestima (a ovako samo otvoriš scrobbler i ne moraš pretraživati Google i Wikipediju).
Još jedna važna stvar kod last.fma - daje ti preporuke. Prema tome što slušaš, uspoređuje slične izvođače i predlaže ti ih. Stvara 'susjedstvo' korisnika koji slušaju sličnu glazbu, te tako na vrlo jednostavan način možeš pronaći nešto što bi ti se moglo svidjeti a nikada nisi čuo za tu glazbu.
Uglavnom - - čista petica!
I hate Facebook. Yes, it kinda changed from your common intellectual snobbism into real irational strong fiery passionate - hate. Twitter I don't like. It's somewhat useless. Now and then I like to read Ner's tweets but that's it. Social networking for now - total failure. Yes, I understand that this probable isn't the best explanation or argumentation as to why but:
I just hate Facebook.
But I like Now, there's not that much similarities between those two, but on the other hand, there is. is your little place on the Internet for listening to music. It records (scrobbles) everything you listen to, compiles it by artist, album, genre or time of listening. It gives you statistics how much you listen to something and you can compare it with other users of last. fm. On the other hand, it gives you info about the artists and songs which you'd usually try to find in other places (and this way you simply open the scrobbler and what you need, no need to scour Google or Wikipedia for it).
One more important thing about - it gives you recommendations. According to what you listen to, it compares it with similar artists and suggests them to you. It creates a neighborhood of users who listen to similar music, and that way you can easily find music you might like but you've never heard of.
All in all - a straight A for!