The useless Balkan intellectuals or Quote of the day III

May 30, 2009 17:09

I had a discussion about free education with John yesterday. As all the discussions I had with John, that ended up in a daylong discussion between me and me. As I was reading a book today, I found a paragraph that reminded me of something John said yesterday. Among other things, when I said that people aren't equal to the amount of money they can earn, he retorted with an interesting reply. That they're not equal, but the correlation is really close to 1. Krleža paints perfectly that world which John equals to our reality:

"People walk by and inside their dark intestines they carry cooked chicken heads, sad bird eyes, cow haunches, horse thighs, while last night still did those animals happily wag their tails with chickens clucking in the eve of their death in their coops, and now it all ended in the human intestine and all that moving and gorging can be summarized in: life in western Europe cities in the twilight of an old civilization." Miroslav Krleža, The Return of Filip Latinovicz*.
 I know, this sounds very theatrical and fatalistic. But...after all, I'm only a Communist ridden animal living in a pen; without that USian advanced medical science, good healthcare or awesome military power.

*I translated the paragraph from Croatian


Imao sam raspravu o besplatnom obrazovanju sa Johnom jučer. Kao i sve rasprave sa Johnom, to je rezultiralo cjelodnevnom raspravom između mene i mene. Dok sam danas čitao knjigu, naišao sam na odlomak koji me podsjetio na nešto što je John rekao jučer. Među ostalim, kada sam ja rekao da ljudi nisi isto što i iznos novaca koji su sposobni zaraditi, on je odgovorio sa zanimljivom replikom. Da nisu isto, ali je korelacija jako blizu 1. Krleža slika savršeno taj svijet koji John izjednačuje sa našom stvarnošću:

"Prolaze ljudi i nose u svojim mračnim crijevima skuhane kokošje glave, žalosne ptičje oči, kravlje butove, konjska stegna, a sinoć još te su životinje veselo mahale repom i kokoši kvocale u predvečerje svoje smrti po kokošinjcima, a sada se sve svršilo u ljudskim crijevima i to se micanje i žderanje u jednu riječ zove: život po zapadnim evropskim gradovima u sutonu jedne stare civilizacije." Miroslav Krleža, Povratak Filipa Latinovicza.
 Znam, sve to zvuči jako teatralno i fatalistički. Ali...ipak na kraju svega, ja sam samo komunizmom zanesena životinja koja živi u toru; bez američke napredne medicinske znanosti, dobrog zdravstva ili zastrašujuće vojne moći.

Ispričavam se na manjku naslova na hrvatskom; LJ me ograničio brojem znakova pa sam ostavio samo engleski!

me, philosophy, politics, literature, quote, croatia

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