The Story of the Duchess

Nov 11, 2007 16:18

Since I have mentioned the Dune RPG I was playing in, I decided to write a bit more about it. I have joined that game when I saw its ad at RPoL (in the offisite game ads section). Since I started doing my online RPing on RPoL, I pretty much began avoiding other sites. But, thankfully, this was an exception. The game was set in the Dune setting (obviously), with custom made rules system. You took control of one of the noble Houses in the Empire, and had to work out your financial, political and military status amongst the other Landsraad Houses. Other players played other Houses, and back then, the GM played the Imperial House Corrino. The people who gamed there have been RPing together for several years, and are a really close knit group. After a while, I became a part of their 'family', and somewhat the game became even more interesting. They're the best smaller community of roleplayers I ever met online, and I think of them as dear friends who I got to know much better than I ever imagined I would be able to. Guys, if you ever read this, you're the best! Back then, the game's name was War of Assassins (based on the ritualistic, lawful conflict between two Houses, monitored by the Imperial House and the other members of the Landsraad). After a year had passed since I joined, the game had gone through a rules rewamp (Lone Star Fedaykin, the GM, does those every once in a while). The second restart didn't last as long, and the group is currently taking a longer pause from WoA...we're waiting on Lone to open up the game and rehash the rules once more. When I joined, I made up a custom House (non-cannon). It was called House Davori (based on an ancient Slavic deity of war, whose name was Davor). This is one of the short stories I had written about my House. Later on, I might even post some more scraps and short stories about House Davori. I hope you'll like the story (I won't be translating it to Croatian since it was written in English in the original):

Feder'ka, the Davori suk, hated the cold planet to which he was sent when he completed his training and conditioning. He was currently sitting in one of the inner gardens of Voivodvor, under the boughs of one of the replicated oak trees from Old Terra. The two oaks in the largest garden of Voivodvor extended their branches, creating an arbor of calmness and warmness in this God forsaken place. The stone bench on which he was currently sitting was cold as ice, as everything else in the citadel, but at least he felt comfortable surrounded by the calmness of the trees. He lived on the Imperial Seat of Kaitain prior to arriving on Moran III, and even after years of his service here, he missed the warm climate of the utopian Corrino world. His eyes were locked at the intertwined roots of the oak, which bit into the black soil of the garden. He remembered when she was buried here…he could see the burial procession even now, 5 standard years after her death.

It was his responsibility to help her…to heal her. And he failed. Who would say that amongst these bloodthirsty wildmen, the Duchess would die by natural means? If you could call any kind of death natural … His diamond tattoo started itching when the memories began flashing through his mind. He knew what was happening to him, he knew how to help people suffering from anxiety and remorse. He had received the suk training in the rudiments of psychology, and psychotherapy…but he couldn’t help himself. His oath was broken, and he shouldn’t be alive now. It was the first night of winter, if there was such a thing as a session change on Moran III. The storm was raging outside of the citadel and Feder’ka was trashing in his bed and trying to fall asleep. He was worried about Duchess Olga, and her pregnancy. She showed the classical sings of a possible miscarriage, but nothing a suk couldn’t handle. He had made all the necessary preparations, gave her the usual herbal treatment and started producing some of the more useful medicine which would ease the child birth. Then, the call came, and before he came to her bed chambers, she was dead. He managed to save the child, but she was dead before he reached her room. After the autopsy, he diagnosed the cause of death. Her uterus was ruptured and the massive blood loss killed her in matter of minutes…

The Duke, or voivoda how they call him here, wanted to kill him that night. He could still see his angered face and saddened eyes…but that meant nothing to the suk. He wanted to break his oath when she died, even with a more serious transgression than his incompetence. He wanted to take a life. The life of Feder’ka, the suk.


Uzimajući u obzir da sam spomenuo Dune RPG koji sam igrao, odlučih napisati nešto više o njemu. Priključio sam se toj igri kada sam vidio oglas za igru na RPoLu (u djelu za oglašavanje igri koje nisu na RPoLu). Od kada sam počeo pisati većinu svojih RPGova na RPoLu, u stvari samo počeo izbjegavati druge forume/stranice za roleplayanje. Hvala Bogu, ovo je bila iznimka. Igra je bila smještena u svijetu Dine (očito), sa posebno napravljenim sistemom pravila. Kada bi počeli igrati, preuzeli bi kontrolu and jednom Kućom u Carstvu, te ste ju zatim morali razviti u financijskom, političkom i vojnom smislu, među drugim Kućama Landsraada. Drugi igrači su igrali druge Kuće, i onda je još uvijek GM igrao Kuću Corrino. Ljudi koji su igrali ondje su već zajedno RPali više godina, i stvarno su usko povezana grupa. Nakon nekog vremena, postao sam dio njihove 'obitelji', i tako je i igra postala zanimljivijom. Oni su najbolja manja skupina roleplayare koju sam upozano na netu, i još uvijek o njima mislim kao o dragim prijateljima te sam ih upoznao puno bolje nego što sam ikada mislio da bi bilo moguće. Ekipo, ako ćete ikada ovo pročitati, najbolji ste! Onda je ime igre bilo War of Assassins (prema ritualnom, zakonitom sukobu između dvije Kuće, koji su nadgledale Imperijalna Kuća i ostale članice Landsraada). Nakon godine što sam se ja pridružio, igra je prošla kroz prilagođavanje pravila (LSF, GM te igre, je te prilagodbe radio svako malo). Sljedeća inkarnacija igre nije trajala predugo, te ekipa trenutno uzima dužu stanku od WoE...čekamo da Lone opet otvori igru i promjeni pravila. Kada sam se pridružio, ja sam napravio svoju vlastitu Kuću (izvan kanona). Zvala se Kuća Davori (prema staroslavenskom bogu rata, Davoru). Ovo je jedna od kratih priča koji sam napisao o svojoj Kući. Kasnje ću možda postati još neke djelove i tekstove priče o Kući Davori. Nadam se da će vam se priča svidjeti:

Priča je napisana iznad u izvorniku, na engleskome, jer sam ju na engleskome i napisao. Ne vidim smisla zašto bi ju prevodio, pa ju pročitatje tamo.

dune, rpgs

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