Oct 28, 2008 18:43
Last night started out great, and ended sort of badly.
We took the subway and got down to the ball park at around 6pm. First of all, just the walk up to the stadium was amazing. There were helicopters flying around, there were crazy lights and the World Series logo was being flashed everywhere. I got chills. It was a mob scene closer to the park so we went right in.
The first thing we did was shuffle down to the foul line on the 3rd base side, right where the media tents were, and the players warming up and taking batting practice. We pretty much just stood there for about forty minutes and soaked it all in and took a lot of pictures. Then we went to the middle deck, got a bite to eat, and staked out our spot (we had Standing Room Only tickets). We talked to a pretty funny drunk guy for a while and it helped pass the time. There was a light mist in the air at this point.
The game finally started at about 8:30, and the place was an absolute nut house. Especially when the Phils scored those two runs in the first, it was amazing. It felt warm. :) From there it went progressively down hill. You guys know the deal with the weather, so I won't explain all that, but let me tell you, it was pretty effing bad. I know no one wants to hear me complain about the weather while I was at the World Series, but this was dangerously bad. Most of the people there had no idea that it was going to be that bad weather- wise, so many of us were grossly underdressed. I personally was wearing a hoody with a t shirt worn over it, but that was no match for the rain, which soaked right through within a half hour.
When they called the game suspended at about 10:30 or 11, we had been standing for many, many hours in the cold and rain, and our joints were nearly frozen. We were pretty relieved when they called the game postponed. We just wished they had done it sooner, or hadn't started the game at all. We shuffled out of the stadium like zombies and went home pretty miserable.
So, today, me and my brother went to the mall and bought all the water- proof clothing and Phillies WS merchandise we could afford. :)
And then they cancelled the game tonight. :(
I think that was a good decision though.
I could go on a diatribe about how MLB doesn't care about it's fans and all that right now, but I'm too tired and achy.
ALSO....my brother has a beard right now that makes him look exactly like the Phillies bench player Eric Bruntlett, so that's pretty funny. A couple of fans last night noticed it too, so it was fun to bust his balls about it.