The Engineer's Thumb - Discussion Post

Nov 23, 2010 16:22

Sorry about being a day late, folks; my internet connection decided to take the day off yesterday.

This week, we had Seriously, Guys, I'm a Medical Doctor!Watson, an Inspector Bradstreet represents the Force, and a hapless engineer loses a thumb in the bargain.


Victor Hatherley gives this story one thumb up.

1. What was your overall reaction to the story? I'll admit this is one of my personal favorites, as I rather like the macabre aspect. Were you shocked? Bored? Fixated on the fact the poor man got his thumb chopped off?

2. Some time ago, I read a critique of this story that cited it as evidence Watson was not a very good doctor. According to this critic, Watson was more keen on investigating the case than on making sure his patient was all right. What do you think? True, false, or otherwise?

3. This is one of those rare cases where the villains don't actually get their comeuppance, at least not by Holmes' hand. How do you feel about this? Is the story more or less effective this way? What does it say about Holmes, if anything?

4. Anybody else grossed out by the severed thumb? SEVERED. THUMB.

5. This is a remarkably brief story, and not really much of a mystery, per se. Why do you think this is? Is Doyle trying to do something different, or is he just being lazy with this one?

As always, any extra thoughts are appreciated.

engineer's thumb, discussion, adventures

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