Apr 18, 2004 20:23
um lets see yesterday was ok. not too bad. kinda boring though. um went to work at 2. went ok, not too busy, little packed, but i got through it. close with tania. haha had fun when we closed. haha i showed her my model walk, haha she was laughing her ass off. then she made me show tabaita it, fun. um on break i talked to greg, we sat outside cause it was so damn nice. he works in the seafood and is a student a PNC. he is a pretty kool dude. he bummed me a smoke, thanx dude. um was gonna hang out with lextizzle after work, but she got a little sic, ahh i hope you feel better lexie. um got home talked to lampman for a little and also to coli. then watched kill bill volume 1. ahh pretty good movie. haha kinda gory, well the anim. part was. still good movie. um today no one was home for some time. they went to the lake house, well the boys and rod. mom went to the house we have in hammond to check on the tendents and pick up my sis from dad's, i wasnt able to go cause i had to work. oh well. um today i found out amanda broke up with me and i didnt even know, WOW. i duno why though. the thing that got me upset was she said i couldnt talk to her friday nite cause she couldnt use the phone, but comes today i found out she talked to ricky, my really good friend that i known for like 6 years, she talked to him till like 7 in the morning. that dick, she should of told me she didnt wanna talk or something, she didnt have to lie. but yeah i duno. yeah i talked to ricky and amy so i'm kool with them and shit. ahh YAY ricky is coming here this weekend, cant wait. this saturday, first i'm going out there, then we heading back here. i apologized to amy for every hurting her or anything. and i'm truely sry amy. um so i went to dickie's today, just chilled with him. haha got there around 3, soon as i walked in his mom asks me if i want some breakfest. haha dude i was right on. haha, had some bacon, eggs, and toast. yum. um so we just chilled and shit, blew up some more co2 tanks. little ones. haha fun. um didnt do to much. um walked home around 7ish. talked to amy on the phone for like a hour. just about stuff and shit. good to have a friend like her. everyone should have a friend like her. um and now i'm here. no work 2morrow. YAY hopefully the day goes good. so latro and have a good life you all.
have you ever lost something that never seemed to have a face at all, it just screams outloud, its just the pain that screams outloud, but never goes away..........fuck
fear factory: archtype....april 20th...bye it