Jul 02, 2003 20:38
well it's been a while since i've posted an entry, or at least it feels that way. this is in part do to the fact i haven't done much worth writing about, and part because i don't get around to reading/writing until later at night and recently i've been in a strange mood at night. the kind of thing where i've been thinking about a lot of things lately so i'm in a well . . . "deep" mood if that makes any sense. and so to not have to subject you to this, i've just not written any entires. but i felt like it was time for an up date. so here it is . . .
so let's see where did i leave off??? ah yes catie's party. ok well sunday i worked and hung out with meg a little. that was really fun. we rented two weeks notice and ordered chinese food. yum!! chinese food, one of the best kinds of food there is!!!!! if only they made it spicier!!!! yum spicy food!!!!!!! so anyway, it was good to just chill with her and get caught up.
then on monday i once again had to work. it's nice since i have some more hours now!!! more hours = more money which is really really really good. i need to save up that money!!!! see i don't want to have to get a job when next year because well . . . i have my reason's that while they might not make sense to others they do to me. so anyway, i've found that weekdays are boring as sin!!!! oh my!!! i did like nothing all day!!! almost no one comes in. or well we're never really busy so i just end up sitting (well standing) and doing nothing. so please if anyone wants to come and visit me they're more then welcome!!!!! i have to work friday so all who come are welcome!!!!!!!!! ah yea, while i remember july 4th. ok so ray and i were talking, and we were thinking that we'd try and get people together and go and see fireworks at herndon high school (it's at 8 meeting at the entrance) and they do something afterwards. please!!!!!!!!! if anyone know of any plans or wants to add or suggest anything elas or think they might come let me know!!!!!!!! i'm a sad pathetic person who checks lj every night so don't worry i'll get it.
tuesday: well yesterday was great too. i went with meg to her health club. it was really nice. we worked out for like two hours and then spent around 40min outside sun bathing. it was soooo nice, afterwards i felt like totally zen!!! i was sooo relaxed. it was super great!!! seriously!!! then afterward i read a little harry potter which i haven't done in a while and just relaxed.
today i didn't do much. i drove my sister somewhere today and got soooo lost. i mean i kept going the wrong way down streets and wow was i lost. i mean it took me like an hour. and i will never speak of this again. ok so that have been the last few days minus all the mushy mood. neh, maybe tonight i'll write one that's like that. hum maybe.