This is some idle theory garble about LARPing, so feel free to move along if it doesn't interest you. I've tried to make it intelligible to non-larping folk.
Just so you won't feel like you've wasted your time, here's a picture of a cow I made.
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Oh, as a PC, do you find that 'clarification' is used often? I never hear it, but that might be because I'm not spending time among PCs when they're by themselves.
Would introducing code words for "I want in on this" or "I need out of this" (or something else) help play be smoother and more fun? Would having those kind of words change the way you might approach a game (or make you more willing to play, if you don't already)?Honestly, I'd be pretty leary of the 'I want in on this' codeword, except when used very, very sparingly. It's one thing to have it happen every now and then, but if it happens regularly, I feel it would be sorta irritating and game-breaking ( ... )
I really think a player should be able to relate in game without any kind of code that they are interested in something even if its not a typical pursuit for that character. Otherwise, I again get the sense of "automated RP" Its the type of thing I think should be extremely limited to things like oog necessities ("I have the plague" for need sleep/am sick/ gotta leave site for work/commitment etc) and oog desires for RP should be managed by actual RP.
I hope that made some sort of sense heh.
I really think a player should be able to relate in game without any kind of code that they are interested in something even if its not a typical pursuit for that character.
I don't disagree. The idea of a code word among friends isn't to short-cut roleplaying. It's just kind of a heads-up if they don't seem to be getting it or are being accidentally inconsiderate, and your efforts to explain such to them IG aren't cutting it.
I think it's good that he explains that point though, because it can be missed, and isn't in the rulebook. I mean, the intent is obvious to most of us, but the people to whom it isn't are the people who really need to hear it.
Oh, as a PC, do you find that 'clarification' is used often? I never hear it, but that might be because I'm not spending time among PCs when they're by themselves.
I don't hear Clarification often, but I've used it once or twice. I think it's probably used here and there, but gets resolved quickly and quietly. More frequently, if I have a question about how a particular ability works, I'll go ask a player who has that ability, without using the Clarification call. However, I feel more confident as a player, knowing that I can ask for it if I really need it.
Honestly, I'd be ( ... )
what do you mean by 'I need out of this'? I'm just not sure what sort of situation would come up where you as a character could not walk away from something you as a player did not enjoy.
So, much as the "I want in on this" phrase isn't meant to be used every time you want to be a part of an encounter, "I want out of this" is something I'd envision for more serious situations.
ezrem mentioned oog desires for RP should be managed by actual RP. and I think that's applicable in 99% of situations. The reverse is also applicable- for desires to avoid RP. The better the staff and other players know each other, and the more considerate they are of potential problems, the less likely that 1% is going to crop up, so I can see the argument that planning for that kind of situation isn't necessary. On the other hand, I've never seen someone call "Emergency" in Madrigal, but I'm sure glad it's there ( ... )
" * One larper I know has a real life phobia of dogs. In a fantasy larp, seeing players of gnolls in dog masks at twilight is enough to trigger this phobia for him.
* Being mugged at latex knife point might be considered to something within the conventional expectations of play in a fantasy larp. However, for a player that was mugged for real at knife point a week before the event, this may be too traumatic."
Yes, this is exactly the sort of thing I was thinking.
5- A staff member delivered an effect (Arcane Love 9) to cause my character to be in love with a PC I didn't know at all. I quit the game, and never went back, but I have no idea whether the staff member even understood that the situation made me uncomfortable.
Anyway, totally not a helpful reply, just wanted to share that tidbit.
Ah that and the rest of your post, does make more sense to me. I suppose in regard to plague type issues I set myself up with my own version for 7V. Planning to play a more fighty character I thought I might have trouble when old back injuries protested. Thus Nehalennia has a back injury in her history.
I guess that sort of planning isnt always workable, and the ability to "invoke the platypus" would be very useful. (Sorry Silway, thats just stuck in mah brains now =P)
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