May 08, 2005 13:07
Well.. its official, Im the clumsiest person I know.
I wrestle someone else and I hurt my own foot and ankle.
Crutches suck. Someone should decorate mine so they look cool.
Today is mommies day and for mommies day mommy is cooking sketti and it will be delicious I bet. Christopher is coming over and Im excited about that. I did not buy anything for my mother on mothers day... and.. well.. she can deal. I brought her to the hospital with me today. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
The new Mariah Carey... yeah... I bought it... I probably already posted this but ya know what... right now is my first time listening to it and it fuckin rocks. Thats right ladies and gentlemen, Mariah Carey can rock... in my eyes anyway.
Okay. My foot hurts. Tomorrow something else will hurt along with my foot because thats what I do.
Well.. I am off... my foot hurts and im gonna lay down.