(no subject)

Jan 19, 2005 15:31

i finished college early today, i dunno what there messing about with at the minute - were in and then were finished for the day craziiie stuff. I got my maths resit results back and i PASSED hehee got my C finally. i wasnt act that hyper about it but then telling my maths tutor and the learnin support woman and seeing there reactions had kinda made me happi that ive finally got it. Still havent heard anything back from ucas tho knowing my luck no unis will have offered me anything.

On a more tropical holiday approach its only 3 weeks till i go 2 egypt with lee and my mum and dad. Reallie cant wait to go! And my dad booked us on to a cruise around america and mexico for a week and then stayin in florida for the following week. The down side is we go on my birthday which is my 18th so im gonna have to sort going out after we get which will be like the weekend after which is the 3rd of july or summat. I should be thankful im going on holiday on my birthday though i suppose, i just hope college is over.

My hairs reallie annoyin me at the min its too long but it just needs a new style but then i hate goin the hairdressers, mehhh plus my diets not reallie working i just dont seem to stick to anything :S
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