Nov 27, 2004 13:06
Fave Food?: ice cream
Fave Fruit?: strawberry
Soda?: dr.pepper
Sport?: football
Store?: victoria secret
Song?: i dunno
Music?: all kinda
Restaurant?: soup plantation
Holiday?: valentines and christmas
Ice cream?: half baked
~*~ThE cRuSh SiDe!!!~*~
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? yes
Have you ever been in love?: yes
Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
Do you like someone now? yes
Why do you like them?: because he makes me happy and hes the best!
~*~HaVe YoU eVeR!!!~*~
Ever been on stage?: yup
Ever dumped someone?: yes
Ever been dumped?: yes
Lied?: yes
Pools or Hot-tubs?: pool with friends, hot tub with my man
Ocean or pool?: ocean
TV or Radio?: radio
Christmas or Halloween?: christmas
Phone or AOL?: phone
Pen or Pencil?: pen
Mall or Movies?: mall
Abercrombie or American Eagle?: abercrombie
Marker or Crayon?: marker
Coffee or Cocoa?: Cocoa
Hot or cold?: hot
Chocolate milk or plain?: chocolate milk
Summer or winter?: summer
~*~WhO do u..~*~
Go to, to talk about guys/girls?: Kathee or my sister
Knows the most about you?: Kathee
Whose parents are the best?: Mine!
Makes you laugh the most?: Tyson
Has the best personality? Tyson
Who do you have the best time with?: Tyson
~*~Do YoU...~*~
Eat peanuts?: hellllllll noooooooo
Have a goldfish?: no
Remember where you were when O.J. Simpson was let free?: nope
Remember where you were when Princess Diana was killed?: at my house
Walk in the rain?: love it!
Have that falling dream?: yes it feels so real and i dont like it
Dream in black and white?: i dunno?
Have your own phone line?: yeah
Have your own room?: yup
Like broccoli?: yea
Believe in love at first sight?: yea
Believe in God?: yea
Believe in the devil?: yea
Believe in ghosts?: yea
Believe in heaven?: Yes
Believe in hell?: sure
Believe in yourself?: sometimes
Want to stay with your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife for ever: yes! i love my boyfriend more then anything or anyone and i wouldnt give that up for the world!!