Theme Post Poll

May 31, 2013 01:44

So the theme contests are definitely going to continue.

In the discussion something came up that has come up before: letting you guys have a say in the themes.

I really love this idea, though implementing it has always been tricky. I've thought about letting the winner choose the theme but that's awkward because the winner isn't known until the poll closes a week into the month.

frenchroast suggested having three themes to choose from, and I think that's the best way to do it. It's what we do over at deviantART for the monthly Artisan Crafts contests and everyone seems to love the idea and it gets people really involved with the process. It becomes your contest.

Our themes are always one of three things: ingredient to use, a type of food to make, or a region's cuisine to explore. So it seems best to have one of each options up for the vote each month.
Let's get onto our first one:

Poll June Theme Poll

!mod post, !theme post

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