May 25, 2013 11:10
Backstory: there's a lovely neighborhood bistro a couple blocks from my home. The proprietress is a fabulous and talented lady who makes some of the best food I've ever tasted. A couple years ago, she was mourning the fact that nobody ever makes birthday cakes for a chef. Since then, I've baked her a lemon pound cake every year for her birthday. I love to bake, she adores lemon pound cake, and we both feel good about it.
Today I was having breakfast in her restaurant and noted that since her birthday is coming up next week, she should be prepared for pound cake. Well, that's when she told me she's had to go gluten-free.
I promised to come up with something anyway, because she darn well deserves birthday cake.
Unfortunately, I have never baked anything gluten-free in my life.
So, does anyone have a good recipe for a gluten-free pound cake? Lemon is preferable, since that's what she likes, but I can adapt other flavors. I'm an American, so recipes with Farenheit temperatures are preferable, though I have a kitchen scale that does metric weights, too. I do have some AP gluten-free flour on hand (she gave me some to experiment with), but I'm willing to spend a little extra if the recipe requires something else.
Help me help a wonderful and deserving lady to have a fabulous birthday? Pretty please?
!recipe request