Feb 05, 2009 22:30
Huddo internet and people therein. I've owed a post for a long time, and even started writing one yesterday, but alas, the post that may have been shall perhaps never be, for my computer has Cacked It. The cause of this is uncertain at this juncture, but seemingly involves something hardwarey since it has managed to freeze on the BIOS screen, and if that doesn't mean anything to you, don't worry, because it means very little more to me than you. As an added bonus, I seem to have done in my nice flatscreen monitor in the process of spending all day trying to detect a pattern in my computer's failings! So that's nice.
I'm kind of too demoralized and depressed to write a very good entry right now, but here's a decent summary anyway. My long term temp job that I had for 11 of the 12 months last year is no more as of January. I did a little more temping during the course of last month, but have found nothing more permanent and am currently without assignment, granting me the status of Thoroughly Unemployed. As I am still fairly uncertain what to do with myself in the long run, this is a fairly unwelcome development, although not a particularly surprising one given the economic status and all that rot. So I've passed much of my time recently using flagrant escapism, in this case World of Warcraft, a pastime which, if you'll note the contents of paragraph one, is no longer so easily available to me. Well, I could use my housemates' computers to that end, but then the guilt starts kicking in.
So in the course of the next few (days/weeks/months) I will be attempting to wrangle my brain into coming up with actual goals, or at least refreshing some of my old ones, let alone the giant self-inflicted mental block that is Japan and things Japanese. My brain's had it good lately. I don't think it's going to like the shift back to actual activity. It also may be a trick to pull off since, as mentioned, I am fighting off some pretty heavy and ill-timed depression. Having cats helps in that department.
So I just need to rediscover direction in my life, break my computer dependency, and find some source of income more reliable than temping before I go broke and as a result die.
So that's nice.