Not Dead Yet

Nov 08, 2018 11:09

Life has been full of ups and downs.

Multiple chronic invisible autoimmune issues like to mess with me but I still crawl out of bed and go to my full-time job, which is still in higher education.

Still in the Asian ball-jointed doll community but not as active due to lack of spoons.

Have moved on to being the "old crone / wise woman" role in life.

I asked for a surprise party for my 60th birthday this year and they pulled it off - it was wonderful and relaxed.

Finally finished my Level I Visual Design Certificate after all this time! Learned a lot of new multimedia software so I can help students in the lab. I was even able to take a class during the day without having to make up the time AND get the class paid for by the school because the class would allow me to help students! Win Win!

Realizing who I am - gender-fluid male - has empowered me in ways I never imagined. I still go by the she pronoun because I am old and used to it. Slowly learning to use the they pronoun to address everyone, just to be safe.

I am officially a professional published author! I wrote two stories for a tabletop game universe and the short one was published first, with the long one in-line for publishing later and the world creators wanting my characters to be playable. That means I need to sit down and build their character sheets soon.

Back to work catching all the fires my department throws at me.


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