
Sep 24, 2016 04:28

Here is what we know now that the oncologist got back the various results.

My mother's husband Gary has Stage four pancreatic cancer with lots of small areas scattered throughout his body.

Gary went into the hospital early this past week to have an operation for spinal (lumbar) stenosis. The pre-op scans showed dark areas. They did a liver biopsy and blood work. The blood work showed a strong cancer marker. There is no cure, only ways to try to hinder it for a while.

The oncologist said that since Gary is so weak from the spinal stenosis, he suggested Gary get that operation first, go through rehab and work to be strong enough so the chemo does not debilitate him a lot.

Not going for the operation would mean Gary would be made comfortable and give him the best quality of life possible for the four months he would have left.

Having the operation could give him the chance to live between 12 and 15 months, if the operation and rehab can get him strong enough to start chemo.

The oncologist was going to go contact the spine surgeon and let him know Gary wanted the surgery. The surgeon was supposed to come by Friday morning but did not stop by at all. I called him late Friday night, woke him up and asked him when he was going to visit Gary so we could discuss the surgery. He will be by Saturday. The oncologist wants him to have the surgery ASAP so it may happen early next week.

I pretty much am going to be demanding the surgery because it will raise Gary's quality of life by not being in so much back pain and giving him control of his legs again.

Gary is currently very upbeat about everything, mostly because he now knows what is going on. Before, he had no answers. While the answer is grim, he seems ready to fight as hard as he can.

gary's cancer

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