Jan 23, 2007 19:31

Momoshiro and Nell

In which Momoshiro is a HORRIBLE tennis instructor and Nell is terribly cute and learns tennis a lot faster than Harry Potter ever will. ;)

This was PRIVATE and your character didn't see it unless they were one of the loser butts Momo beat.

Momoshiro: *just got done kicking some loser butt on the tennis court and now it's all his* ...I hope she can find her way here. *the waiting is making him hungry*

Nell: *rode the TRAIN and walked around and FINALLY has found the street courts after climbing a LOT of steps* THITH PLATHE ITH THO NEAT!

Momoshiro: *realizes it's not so quiet anymore and hey, it must be Nell because he has no clue what was just said* *picks up his bag and walks toward her* Did you have fun on the train?

Nell: *nods like mad and bounces* YETH! Ith tho FATHT! *tilts head waaay back to look up at Momo* You ith very tall. HII! *waves excitedly*

Momoshiro: *scratches the back of his neck because compared to the other tennis guys, he's one of the SHORT ones* Or maybe you're just very short. I'm glad you had fun on the train, but of course you're about to have a lot more fun. *snatches out one of his racquets in a dramatic way*

Nell: *grins* THAT TOO! *then goes starry-eyed* MORE fun??? *watches Momo pull out the racquet and IS NOT thinking about putting it in her mouth, nope.*

Momoshiro: *is kind of HOPING she won't put the racquet in her mouth* Yep. Tennis is pretty much the coolest thing on earth. *holds out the racquet to her* Feel it's power.

Nell: *holds onto the racquet with both hands, eyes wide* *almost topples forward at first, but then doesn't* It ITH cool!!! But *waves it around* Nell doethnt feel any power? *peers up at Momo curiously*

Momoshiro: *feels so lame because he made up the power part just to seem cool* Well. You'll feel it when you start playing. Maybe. Possibly. Here, have a FREE tennis ball! *digs around in his bag until he actually finds one*

Nell: Oh. OTHAY! *looks down at the racquet then to the tennis ball* *carefully lets go with one hand to hold onto the the ball and frowns as the raquet droops* Ith eathier putting tennith ballth in Nellth mouth...What doeth Nell do now?

Momoshiro: *LOL'ing in his head because he's NEVER met anyone so clueless about tennis* Can you..throw the ball up and hit with the racquet..?

Nell: Nell can try! *tosses the ball a bit up and swings with the rcquet, but too late and too low and misses* ....It didn't work. D: *stares at the ball on the ground* *picks it back up*

Momoshiro: Yeeeeaaah. *gets out his own racquet and ball because it's time for a demonstration!* Uh, watch me, okay? *tosses the ball up, swings and actually HITS it because he's pretty much pro at this stuff* Did you see what I did? Think you can do it now?

Nell: *watches carefully and swings the racquet experimentally with one hand instead of two* Nell can try!!! *tosses again and swing quickly and HITS THE BALL, but just barely so it doesn't go very far* IT WORKED!!!! *bounces!*

Momoshiro: *is probably more excited than her* See?! That was like, the best feeling you've ever felt, right?! Try it again!

Nell: *scrambles to get the ball back and then hits it back towards Momo again* IT REALLY ITH FUN!!! *scrambles, hits it again, scrambles, again, scramble, etc getting a bit better each time* LOOK LOOK! NELL CAN DO IT!!!!

Momoshiro: Okay, okay. *snatches the ball up before she can get to it* Here's the REALLY fun part? I'm going to hit it to you and you're going to try and hit it back, okay? *tosses the ball up and hits it towards her pretty much knowing that she's not going to hit it back to him*

Nell: *stares wide-eyed and totally misses, but tries to swing anyhow* Ooooohhh!!! TRY AGAIN?? *waits*

Momoshiro: Okay, we'll do it again. You have to keep your eye on the ball! *hits the ball towards her again*

Nell: Othay! *keeps eye on the ball and watches it go right past her* *stares at the ball on the ground* Nell forgot to thwing. Oopth. Can Nell try again?

Momoshiro: That. That's actually good what you're doing right there! Watching the balls movement. Yeah, that's reeeeeal good. Think you can hit it this time? *lightens his hit because he's a POWER PLAYER and is probably hitting too hard*

Nell: IT ITH??? *is really excited at that!* OTHAY. Nell can hit it thith time! *watches and SWINGS at the ball when it comes and hits it!* *watches it roll off to the side* ITH THAT OTHAY???

Momoshiro: *jumps up and down a little bit before he realizes how lame he actually looks doing that* That was AWESOME. You're doing a lot better than other people I've tried teaching. Want to do it again? *is glad he's gotten her mind off of wanting to stick the balls in her mouth*

Nell: *GRINS LIKE CRAZY!* Nell ith really fatht!!! THITH ITH REALLY FUN! YETH! AGAIN!!!! *doesn't care that the balls aren't going very far because this is FUN*

Momoshiro: *walks over to the corner and picks the ball up, ignoring the fact that it rolled into freshly chewed AND spit out gum* Okay. Here I go! *aims to her left side instead of her right this time*

Nell: *watches carefully again and darts over to hit the ball* ITH LIKE PLAYING TAG!!! WITH THE BALL! *laughs gleefully and bounces before almost tripping on the racquet* OOPTH! *laughs and gets a good hold on it again* WHAT ELTHE DOETH NELL DO?

Momoshiro: *has been waiting for this moment* You can..hit to me and I'll hit back to you and you try to hit back to me? *will think this is a SUCCESS if she manages to do this one*

Nell: *thinks for a minute* OTHAY! Nell can try! *stands ready!*

Momoshiro: *tosses her the ball* Okay. Hit it back to me.

Nell: Othay! *hits it in, well, the general direction that Momo is in*

Momoshiro: *runs to the general direction she hit in and hits it back to her*

Nell: *tries to scurry backwards a bit and falls over on her butt as she hits it and it goes...well, nowhere near Momo* Oopth. *friwns and stands up* Nell can do it though! Nell wanth to try again!

Momoshiro: *goes over to help her up, but he's obviously too slow* Er. Are you okay? That was a nice try! *picks up the ball and walks toward her* How about we switch sides? You go over there and I'll stay here. *hands her the ball*

Nell: Nell ith good! Nell ith having fun! *smiles brightly* Othay! *scampers over to the other side really, really quickly* Tho now Nell throwth and hith the ball to Momo???

Momoshiro: Yeah, you do that! *hold his racquet out in front of him, ready for the chase*

Nell: OTHAY! *tosses and swings and hits it once again in that general direction* *keeps a careful eye on the ball so she doesn't fall over this time!*

Momoshiro: *runs back in that general direction which we're gonna call the right this time and hits it back in HER general direction* Watch it!

Nell: *squeaks and darts to the ball and hits it back!* NELL DID IT! *happy bounce before remembering she supposed to watch the ball*

Momoshiro: *so professional that he can catch the ball with his bare hand* FREAKING ACE! You did it! *tosses the ball up and down in his hand* How are you such a quick learner?

Nell: *bounces up and down* NELL REALLY LIKETH GAMETH! And Nell ith really good at tag?

Momoshiro: *puts a finger on his chain* Maa, I've never thought about tennis that way! Tag, huh? That's a good one. *gives her a thumbs up* I like the way you think!

Nell: Really???? *grins* THANKTH MOMO! *runs and leaps at him to hug him around the waist* Ith we going to play more???

Momoshiro: *awkwardly pats her on the back because he's only been hugged like that by the sibling brats* You're..welcome! We can play anytime you want.

Nell: Really? Nell would like that! *lets go but grins up at Momo still* Nell hath had loth of fun with Momo!!

Momoshiro: I had a lot of fun with you, too! *hands the ball out to her* You can keep this if you want.

Nell: *takes the ball and bouces* THANKTH! Nell won't put thith one in Nellth mouth either! Ith for PLAYING with!!!

Momoshiro: That is correctomundo! *nods at the racquet in her hand* That's yours to keep, too. I have more at home!

Nell: *MENTALLY KEYSMASHES* REALLY???? *leaps and hugs Momo again!* THANK YOU!!! Nell will practithe and next time will do ethen BETTER!!! *stupidly excited*

Momoshiro: Of course you will! We can even play a MATCH next time! *figures he might as well stop being an idiot and just hug her back : DD*

Nell: *can't help bouncing* That would be AWETHOME!!! Nell needs to go ride the rain home now...But Nell will see Momo again soon, right???

Momoshiro: *always has to see awesome people more than once, of course* I'll be free whenever you want to hang out again!

Nell: OTHAY!! *hugs Momo ONE MORE TIME before running off towards teh train station, stopping at the steps to wave* BYE MOMO! THANKTH!!!! *is going to hug the racquet all the way home*

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